February 2022

Week 1 to 4 February

Tuesday 1

    Wednesday 2

      Thursday 3

        Friday 4

          Week 7 to 11 February

          Monday 7

            Tuesday 8

              Wednesday 9

                Thursday 10

                  Friday 11

                    Week 14 to 18 February

                    Monday 14

                      Tuesday 15

                        Wednesday 16

                          Thursday 17

                            Friday 18

                              Week 21 to 25 February

                              Monday 21

                                Tuesday 22

                                  Wednesday 23

                                    Thursday 24

                                      Friday 25

                                        Week 28 February

                                        Monday 28

                                        • 15-00 type-deputies 15:00 18:00 1426ter (extraordinary) meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 11-00 type-other 11:00 13:00 Joint Committee (Room 9 and videoconference)
                                        • 15-00 type-deputies 15:00 18:00 1426bis (extraordinary) meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 10-00 type-other 10:00 11:00 Informal consultations on the draft Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) (Room 1)
                                        • 15-30 type-other 15:30 17:00 Informal meeting on the intergovernmental portal project (Room 1 and videoconference)
                                        • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 18:00 1424th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 13:00 1424th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference) - continued - United Nations - Exchange of views (human rights questions) with experts from capitals
                                        • 16-30 type-gr 16:30 18:00 GR-C Informal consultations - Rapporteur Group on Education, Culture, Sport, Youth and Environment (Room 1)
                                        • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-SOC - Rapporteur Group on Social and Health Questions (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 11-00 type-other 11:00 11:30 Information briefing - 1427th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 10-00 type-gr 10:00 13:00 TC-INF Thematic coordinator on Information Policy (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 10-00 type-gr 10:00 13:00 GR-H - Rapporteur Group on Human Rights (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-SOC - Rapporteur Group on Social and Health Questions (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GT-CHARTE - Ad hoc working party on improving the European Social Charter system (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-DEM - Rapporteur Group on Democracy (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 10-00 type-gr 10:00 13:00 GR-J - Rapporteur Group on Legal Co-operation (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 10-00 type-gr 10:00 13:00 GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 11-00 type-other 11:00 11:30 Information briefing - 1424th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 11-00 type-other 11:00 11:30 Information briefing - 1425th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 11-00 type-other 11:00 11:30 Information briefing - 1426th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 18:00 1426th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 18:00 1425th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 18:00 1423rd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                        • Legend

                                          •  Session of the Committee of Ministers
                                          •  Meeting of the Ministers' Deputies
                                          •  Meeting of the Ministers' Deputies - Human Rights (DH)
                                          •  Meeting of a Rapporteur or Working Group
                                          •  Other meeting