Ministers' Deputies Thematic Co-ordinators
Thematic Co-ordinators are informal working structures of the Ministers' Deputies and have no decision-making power. They prepare decisions for the Committee of Ministers (CM) for adoption, ideally without debate.
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Thematic Co-ordinators ("TC") are appointed by the CM to follow certain areas of importance to the Organisation.
The work of Thematic Co-ordinators is coordinated with that of the CM. In particular:
- all TCs inform the CM of their plans (at least once a year);
- all TCs keep the CM regularly informed of their activities and seek its guidance, as appropriate.
There is currently one Thematic Co-ordinator.
The documents of former Thematic Co-ordinators may be consulted via the search tool by selecting the acronym under the "Corporate author" filter.
See the iGuide to procedures and working methods (Chapter IV) for more information. >>