The various institutions and committees of the Council of Europe organise a wealth of meetings where children’s rights are addressed. The Council of Europe also shows its support to the further development of children’s rights at regional and global levels by making a contribution to many events around the world where children’s rights are the subject of discussion. 


37th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 31 January to 2 February 2023, Strasbourg

7th meeting of the Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE), 6-8 March 2023, Strasbourg

7th meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 28-29 March 2023, Reykjavik 

1st meeting of the Committee of experts on the prevention of violence (ENF-VAE), 16-17 May 2023, Strasbourg

38th Lanzarote Committee meeting, 30 May - 2 June 2023, Strasbourg

Lanzarote capacity building events on the statute of limitations and legal age for sexual activities, 31 May 2023, Strasbourg and online

CDENF Plenary Session dedicated to the follow-up to the Declaration on the situation of the children of Ukraine, 20 June 2023, Online

39th Lanzarote Committee meeting , 26-28 September 2023, Strasbourg

CDENF and Lanzarote Committee public event to present main findings of a Mapping study on multidisciplinary and interagency child-friendly justice models responding to violence against children in Council of Europe member states, 28 September 2023, Strasbourg and online

8th meeting of the Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE), 4-6 October 2023, Strasbourg

2nd meeting of the Committee of experts on the prevention of violence (ENF-VAE), 11-12 October, Strasbourg

8th meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 14-16 November 2023, joint CJ/ENF-ISE/CDCJ meeting, 16 November, Strasbourg

40th Lanzarote Committee meeting, 28-30 November 2023, Strasbourg


2nd CDENF Plenary Session dedicated to the Rights of Children in migration, 1-3 February 2022, Videoconference

36th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 7-10 March 2022, Videoconference

5th meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 9-10 March 2022, Videoconference

2nd BIO/ENF-CP Drafting Group meeting, 10-11 March 2022, Videoconference

High-Level Launching Conference for the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) - "Beyond the horizon: a new era for the right of the child", 7-8 April 2022, Rome

4th CJ-ENF/ISE Meeting, 2-4 May 2022, Videoconference

CP4EUROPE mid-term international conference: Child and Youth Participation for Europe, 23-25 May, Cork, Ireland hybrid 

DC-Bio Child participation, 20-23 June 2022, Strasbourg

5th meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 4-6 July 2022, Videoconference

6th meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 22-23 September 2022, Strasbourg

3rd BIO/ENF-CP Joint Drafting Group, 22-23 September 2022, Paris

6th CJ/ENF-ISE meeting and Irish event, 3-5 October 2022, Ireland

6th meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 15-17 November 2022, Strasbourg

European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 18 November 2022


4th Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE), 13-14 December, Videoconference

35th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 29 November - 3 December, Videoconference

5th meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against Children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 23-24 November, Videoconference

Conference on COVID-19 and Children's rights: challenge related to intrafamily violence and mental health, 22 November, Videoconference

High-level Conference "Progress towards meaningful child participation in decision making - a multi-stakeholder dialogue", 21 October, Videoconference

4th meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 13-15 October, Videoconference

34th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 4-7 October, Videoconference

33rd meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 20-21 September, Videoconference

Plenary session of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child - thematic exchange of views on migration, 16-17 September, Videoconference

32nd meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 28 June - 2 July, Videoconference

Plenary session of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child - thematic exchange of views on the draft Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child, 14-15 June, Videoconference

Regional Discussion on Children's Rights and Alternative Care - Council of Europe's contribution to the UNCRC Day of General Discussion 2021, 1 June, Videoconference

3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 18-20 May, Videoconference

4th meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against Children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 22-23 April, Videoconference

3rd Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE), 14-15 April, Videoconference

31st meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 29 March-1 April, Videoconference

Webinar series on COVID-19 and Children's Rights - 1st Edition "Overcoming Education Challenges", 22 March, Videoconference

Webinar: Professionals working for the participation of children: “Listen – Act – Change”, 21 January, Videoconference


2nd Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE), 14 and 18 December, Videoconference

30th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 7-11 December, Videoconference

3rd meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against Children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 1-2 December, Videoconference

End Child Sex Abuse Day, 18 November

Webinar: Educational measures to prenvent risks associated with child self-generated sexual images/vidéos, 12 November

Webinar: Draft Law on Barnahus in Slovenia -Taking stock of the results of the public consultation process, 6 November

2nd meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 16-18 November, Videoconference

29th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 16 November, Videoconference

2nd meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against Children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 5-6 October, Videoconference

1st Committee of experts on the rights and the best interests of the child in parental separation and in care proceedings (CJ/ENF-ISE), 24-25 September, Videoconference

28th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 21-25 September, Videoconference

1st meeting of the Working Group on responses to violence against Children (CDENF-GT-VAE), 23-24 June, Videoconference

27th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 15-17 June, Videoconference

Child Friendly Justice converging experience on restorative justice in Europe

26th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 10-12 March, Strasbourg (cancelled due to Covid-19)

1st meeting of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), 4-6 February, Strasbourg


End Child Sex Abuse Day,18 November

Mid-term evaluation Conference, 13-14 November, Strasbourg

25th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 15-18 October, Cyprus

24th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 4-6 June, Strasbourg

6th meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF), 21-22 May, Strasbourg

3rd meeting of the Group of Experts on responses to violence against children (CAHENF-VAC), 13-14 May, Strasbourg

23rd meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 5-7 March, Strasbourg


End Child Sex Abuse Day,18 November

22nd meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 7-9 November, The Hague, Netherlands

5th meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF), 16-18 October, Strasbourg

21st meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 20-22 June, Strasbourg

4th meeting of the Drafting Group of Specialists on Children’s Rights and Safeguards in the context of migration (CAHENF- Safeguards), 7-8 June, Strasbourg

4th meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF), 21-23 March, Strasbourg

3rd meeting of the Drafting Group of Specialists on Children’s Rights and Safeguards in the context of migration (CAHENF-Safeguards), 1-2 February, Strasbourg

20th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 29-31 January, Strasbourg


3rd meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF), 22-24 November, Strasbourg

End Child Sex Abuse Day,18 November

19th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 25-27 October, Strasbourg

10th anniversary celebrations of the Lanzarote Convention, 24-25 October, Strasbourg

Czech Chairmanship Conference: Immigration Detention of Children: Coming to a Close?, 25 and 26 September, Prague

3rd meeting of the Drafting Group of Specialists on Children and the Digital Environment (CAHENF-IT), 21 September, Strasbourg

2nd meeting of the Drafting Group of Experts on Children’s Rights and Safeguards in the context of migration (CAHENF-Safeguards), 19-20 September, Strasbourg

18th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 10-12 May, Strasbourg

2nd meeting of the Drafting Group of Specialists on Children and the Digital Environment (CAHENF-IT), 3-4 May, Strasbourg

2nd meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF), 29-31 March, Strasbourg

17th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 1-3 March, Strasbourg

1st meeting of the Drafting Group of Specialists on Children and the Digital Environment (CAHENF-IT), 6-7 February, Strasbourg

5th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee Trends Group, 1-2 February, Strasbourg

1st meeting of the Drafting Group of Experts on Children’s Rights and Safeguards in the context of migration (CAHENF- Safeguards), 2-3 February, Strasbourg


Eurochild’s National Partner Networks meet with Council of Europe, 15-16 December, Strasbourg, France

Meeting on the Child participation assessment tool, 13-14 December, Strasbourg, France

16th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee and study visit to Interpol, 22-25 November, Lyon, France

End Child Sex Abuse Day: 18 November

XIII International Conference on maltreated Children,17-19 November, Murcia, Spain

Conference on Protecting children from violence: next steps for effective strategies, 9-11 November, Wilton Park, United Kingdom

Children's rights in alternative care: Walk the talk ! 8 November, Paris, France

Conference on children in the migration crisis and in the digital environment, 4 November, Tallinn, Estonia

2nd National Conference on Child Well-being, 21-22 October, Valletta, Malta

High Level Panel on Children and Internet, 10 October, Geneva, Switzerland

4th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee Trends Group, 6 October, Strasbourg

Refugees and Migrant Children and the Engagement of their Rights during Integration in Local Environments, 3 October, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF): 28-29 September

15th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee, 14-17 June, Strasbourg

High-Level Conference, Sofia, 5-6 April

Children's rights behind bars, Brussels, 15 February


End Child Sex Abuse Day: 18 November

Children's voices exhibition

UN High Level Cross-Regional Meeting on the Protection of Children from Sexual Violence


Dubrovnik, 27-28 March: Conference "Growing with Children's Rights"


Madrid, 10-11 December: Conference on "Preventing sexual abuse of children"


Rome, 29-30 November: "The role of international cooperation in tackling sexual violence against children"

Ankara, 27-29 November: "Stepping up progress in combating violence against children"


Monaco, 20-21 November: Building a child-friendly Europe: Turning a vision into reality

Kyiv, 24-25 May: International Conference “Combating violence against children: from isolated actions to integrated strategies”.


Rome, 29-30 November: Launch of the Council of Europe campaign to stop sexual violence against children

Vienna, 20-21 May: International Conference "National Integrated strategies to eliminate violence against children"


Strasbourg, 30 November-1 December: Conference on "Challenges in Adoption Procedures in Europe"


Stockholm, 8-10 September: High level Conference "Building a Europe for and with Children: towards a strategy for 2009-2011


28th Conference of European Ministers of Justice on “Better justice for vulnerable groups/improving children's access to justice”, Lanzarote 25-26 October


Launching conference of the Programme "Building a Europe for and with children", Monaco, 4-5 April