Back High level dialogue on child online protection

High level dialogue on child online protection

The Council of Europe and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are co-organising a high level dialogue on child online protection, which will commemorate the celebration of the European Cyber Security Month.

The event will take place on the occasion of the 12th meeting of the Council Working Group on Child Online Protection, and will involve panelist representatives of the ITU, the Council of Europe, and the European Union. The event is open to member States, Sector Members and relevant stakeholders.

The dialogue will provide a valuable opportunity for panelists and co-organisers to share their knowledge and expertise at the international level within the context of protecting children online, and to present models which may be followed by other countries.

The Council of Europe will focus on its work to prevent risks, through the empowerment and education of children; on protecting victims of online violence and bringing perpetrators to justice; and on the ways in which the Council of Europe is looking to the future challenges of the digital world. The key guidance of the Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021) and the Internet Governance Strategy (2016-2019) will be emphasised; as well as the important role that can be played by  the Lanzarote Committee’s upcoming 2nd monitoring round; and  the new Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child.

 Live webcast

Geneva 10 October 2016
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