

Children’s rights

Children as defenders of human rights: a study on Council of Europe member states (2024)

Guide for Children and Young People to the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) 

Challenges to children's rights today: what do children think? (2016)

The best interests of the child; a dialogue between theory and practice (2016)

Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child (2022)

Children's rights and constitutions: Report on the protection of children's rights, Venice Commission (2014)

Passport to your rights (2010)

Brochure: "I have rights" (2009)

Human rights education

Compasito - Manual on human rights education for children (3rd edition, 2021)

The Council of Europe – 46 states, one organsation (2015)

The Council of Europe – Unlimited connections (2013)

Travel the Universe of Greater Europe (2013)

Compass - a manual on human rights education with young people (2012 edition)

Publications on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

Child participation

Guide to children's participation in decisions about their health (2024)

Let's decide together! - Guide to meaningful and effective engagement of children in decision-making processes  (Guide 2023)
Guidelines for developing a National Children's Participation Strategy (2023)

Handbook on children's participation for professionals working for and with children (2020)

Child participation assessment tool (2016)

Implementation Guide to the Child participation assessment tool (2016)

Sexual violence

Feasibility study on age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education (2024)

Updated study on Sexual violence and harmful sexual behaviour displayed by children: Nature, causes, consequences and responses (2024) 

Guidelines for policy makers on engaging with victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse – “Nothing About Us Without Us" (2024)

Kiko and the Hand (Training for Trainers Manual, 2020)

Kiko and the Manymes (Storybook for children 4-7) - (2021) and Advice for Parents (2020)

So, this is sexual abuse? (Lanzarote Convention explainer for ages 12 and up, 2019) and video

Protection of children against sexual exploitation and abuse: Child-friendly, multidisciplinary and interagency response inspired by the Barnahus model (2018)

Tell someone you trust: make use of your Lanzarote Convention rights (2015)

Protecting children from sexual violence: A comprehensive approach (2011)

Kiko and the Hand (Children’s book, 2010) and Guidelines for parents

Child sexual abuse in Europe (2003)

Violence (other)

Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on strengthening reporting systems on violence against children and its Explanatory memorandum (2024)

Ending all forms of violence against children by 2030: The Council of Europe's contribution to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals

Addressing violence in schools through education for democratic citizenship and human rights education (2016)

Violence reduction in schools training pack (2009)

Eradicating violence against children - Council of Europe actions (2008)

Violence reduction in schools – how to make a difference (2006)

Corporal punishment and positive parenting

Progress and delay in achieving universal prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in Council of Europe member States (2024)

Campaign kit – Raise your hand against smacking! (2009)

“Off the books!”- A guidance for Europe’s parliaments on law reform to eliminate corporal punishment of children (2008)

Abolishing corporal punishment of children - Questions and answers (2007)

Parenting in contemporary Europe - a positive approach (2007)

Eliminating corporal punishment - A human rights imperative for Europe's children (2005)

Protecting children against corporal punishment - Awareness-raising campaigns (2004)
(N° 12 in the series: Responses to violence in everyday life in a democratic society)

Child-friendly justice

Feasibility study on a legal instrument on the protection of the best interests of the child in situations of parental separation (2021)

Feasibility study of a legal instrument on the protection of the best interests of the child in domestic law proceedings by public authorities to limit parental responsibilities or place a child in care (2021)

Mapping study on multidisciplinary and interagency child-friendly justice models responding to violence against children in Council of Europe member states (2023)

Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning children with imprisoned parents (2019)

Practical Guide: Monitoring places where children are deprived of liberty (DCI - Belgium) (2016) and Explanatory Brochure 

Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child-friendly justice (2011)

International justice for children (2009)

Children's rights and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (2011)


Child-friendly healthcare and child-friendly social services

Guide to children's participation in decisions about their health (2024)

Newly published brochure of the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child-friendly health care and Complete texts including the Declaration issued at the 9th Council of Europe Conference of Health Ministers, Lisbon, 29-30 September 2011

Children's rights and social services (2016)

Children and migration

Children in migration: fundamental rights at European borders - Joint note by the Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) (2023)

Human rights principles and guidelines on age assessment in the context of migration - Recommendation CM/Rec 22 (2022) of the Committee of Ministers and its Explanatory Memorandum (2023)

Handbook on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in crisis and emergency situations (2022)

Effective guardianship for unaccompanied and separated children in the context of migration - Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)11 of the Committee of Minister and Explanatory Memorandum (2022)

Age assessment for children in migration - A guide for policy makers (2019)

Your rights in the age assessment procedure - Information for children in migration (2019)

We are children, hear us out! Children speak out about age assessment (2019) Report on consultations with unaccompanied children on the topic of age assessment

Promoting child-friendly approaches in the area of migration - Standards, guidance and current practices (2019)

How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration: A Handbook for frontline professionals (2018)

Child-friendly information for children in migration: What do children think? (2018)

Guide for Parliamentarians: Visiting places where children are deprived of their liberty as a result of immigration procedures (2017)

A study of immigration detention practices and the use of alternatives to immigration detention of children (2017)

Age assessment: Council of Europe member states' policies, procedures and practices respectful of children's rights in the context of migration (2017)

Living library - Close the chapter on child detention (2015)

Life projects for unaccompanied migrant minors: A Handbook for frontline professionals (2010)

Alternative care

Securing children's rights: a Guide for professionals working with children in alternative care (2014)

Brochure: Children and young people in care: Discover your rights! (2009)

Leaflet: Children and young people in care: Discover your rights! (2009)

Rights of children at risk and in care (2006)

Children and the Internet

Mapping study on the rights of the child and artificial intelligence: Legal Frameworks that address AI in the Context of Children’s Rights (2024)

Handbook for policy makers on the rights of the child in the digital environment (2020)

Parenting in the digital age - positive parenting strategies for different scenarios (2020)

Leaflet “Learn about your rights in the digital environment” – child-friendly version of the Council of Europe guidelines on the rights of the child in the digital environment (2020)

Two clicks forward and one click back: Report on children with disabilities in the digital environment (2019)

Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment

Background document to the Guidelines: Policy guidance on empowering, protecting and supporting children in the digital environment and report of the child consultations: It's our world: children's views on the protection of rights in the digital environment

Parenting in the digital age - Parental guidance for the online protection of children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (2017)

Internet Literacy Handbook - (2017) revised edition

The Internet Literacy Handbook - (2005, revised 2007 editions) available in several languages