2017 Edition - The protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs)
This year's topic
Recent technologies such as the Internet and social media are bringing new challenges to child protection. For this reason, the Council of Europe proposes that the 2017 edition of the European Day should focus on the specific theme of "The protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs)”. All types of activities around this theme are welcome in order to encourage exchanges between children and parents, and among parliamentarians, educators and other professionals who are getting to grips with latest technological developments.
The Council of Europe will provide its partners with a series of tutorials (videos) as well as a booklet addressed to parents to give them information and advice in order to better understand the risks incurred by children, on the following themes:
Dowload the general leaflet (PDF) on the "European Day on the Protection of Chiidren against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse"
Dowload the thematic leaflet (PDF) on "The Protection of Children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs)"
Share your activities and initiatives!
Member States
Joint statement issued by 4 member states (Andorra, Luxembourg, Monaco and Slovenia) and supported by 35 others
The State Agency for the Rights and Protection of the Child organised a workshop on the theme of "The protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs)”, which gathered civil society organisations, the office of the Ombudsman and some state institutions. During the meeting, participants discussed in particular the two trends that are in the focus of the 2nd monitoring round of the Lanzarote Committee: self-generated sexually explicit images and/or videos and sexual content self-generated by children. The aim was to understand what has been done so far in these areas, and to open the discussion of what should be prioritised in the future.
Did you know that our annual "Don't Look Away" Campaign can be found almost everywhere in Austria till Christmas? We have posters in many train stations, flyers at the international bus terminal in Vienna and the "Don't Look Away" Video is shown on the Infoscreen in public places on 18 and 19 November all over Austria. Austrian Airlines also shows it on certain flights. If you suspect a crime, don't look away but let us know via www.nicht-wegsehen.at.
Child Focus (Foundation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children)
Child Focus chose November 17, the eve of the 3rd European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, to launch a powerful campaign on social networks.
In particular, the association shares videos with worrying filenames like "4_year_old_girl_playing_with_pussy.mp4" with the express intention of attracting users' attention. On opening the file, users discover a very innocent video, immediately followed by a message reading: not all videos featuring children are so innocent. The last screenshot refers to the site www.stopchildporno.be with a request for users to report any child sexual abuse images they discover by chance on Internet.
Another version of the campaign videos is published incognito on specific anonymous servers hosted on the "dark web". The videos urge those people who are potentially interested in viewing and/or sharing images of child sexual abuse not to continue their search and to seek help in managing their pedophile impulses. In this way, Child Focus hopes to stop these people from going any further.
ECPAT-Belgium highlights its Make-IT-Safe project (Project "make-IT-safe peer expert training project") in which children and young people have been taught how to use the internet and smart phones safely and how to use social media, such as Facebook, Myspace, Netlog and WhatsApp in a responsible way. In this context it has developed resources for young people, parents and teachers. Comics and videos are also available online. The brochure for parents is available in 14 languages (English, French, Dutch, German, Serbo-Croatian, Arabic, Turkish, Romanian, Russian, Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and Vietnamese). The other resources are available in English, French, German and Dutch.
Federal Public Service of Justice
On the occasion of the European Day, the Federal Public Service of Justice invites the general public to participate in the fight against sexual abuse against children, in particular by launching actions such as conferences at school, road shows, flash mobs, media events, conventions and film presentations. Emphasis is placed on increasing awareness and reviving the debate on protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse via the Internet and social networks, particularly sexting and revenge porn.
Social services and practices Institute
Social services and practices Institute organises a conference "10 Years Innovative Services for Child Victims of crimes" as a final part of the project "Justice befriends the child – training of practitioners for better cooperation" which aims to multiply the best practices developed in the country under previous European and national initiatives and thus to support the implementation of the requirements of the Lanzarote Convention in the real practice in support of victims of crime, by meeting the requirements of Articles 22, 25 and 26.
- The project aims to contribute for improving the capacity of the practitioners, for identifing and supporting the victims, as well as for the more effective cooperation and coordination in safeguarding the rights and access to services and the support for victims of crime.
- The project aims at building an effective multi-disciplinary and interinstitutional network for coordination and cooperation at local, regional and national levels.
Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association
The Learning Action Partnership (LAP) working group set up by the Bulgarian Association of Family Planning and Sexual Health and the OAK Foundation is organizing a conference in Sofia on 17 and 18 November on the theme of "prevention sexual violence and exploitation of children is possible". Participants are representatives of international and national institutions, NGOs, field workers and academics. They will discuss the challenges of sexual exploitation of children and make recommendations and statements on the policies for change.
This action takes part in the project “the Art to inform“
On the occasion od the European day "Center for Child Protection" (Zagreb) will adapt the 6 tutorials and the brochure in Croatian.
On the occasion of the European Day, dissemination of material developed by the Danish National Board of Social Services on methods to prevent violence and abuse of children with disabilities. The aim is to better equip professionals to prevent violence and abuse of children with disabilities and to track down and handle such incidents when they occur. The handbook will be translated into English in a brief edition and made available to relevant professionals across the member states of the Council of Europe in order to benefit children with disabilities everywhere in Europe. Short videos are also released on this occasion.
From 17th till 26th of November 2017 the Europol „Say No!“ video will be screened in cinemas in Estonia during the Black Nights Film Festival’s children and youth film festival Just Film and before the screening the films of the child rights’ programme.
In the context of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Save the Children Finland organises a campaign in social media in order to raise awareness about online sexual abuse of children. Preventing and tackling sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children both online and offline requires multi-stakeholder cooperation. Save the Children Finland encourages families, professionals working with children, policy-makers and ICT-industry to participate in the conversation. Together we can protect children from all forms of sexual violence. #childrentoo
You can support our campaign #childrentoo in social media:
To know more about online child sexual abuses and harassment, read the following text written by advisor and psychotherapist Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen:
Questions asked to the French Government by Deputy Ms Martine Wonner (LREM, 4th district of Bas-Rhin, on sexual violence against children in the context of the European Day. Reply by Ms Marlène Schiappa, State Secretary to the Prime Minister, Equality betwenn Women and Men.
Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits)
Statement by Mr Jacques Toubon, Defender of Rights, on the occasion of the 3rd edition of the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.
Statement by Mr Jacques Toubon, Defender of Rights, on the occasion of the 3rd edition of the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.
Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues
On the occasion of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (18 November), Germany's Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (UBSKM), Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, launch a social media appeal to the German government and Internet companies to do substantially more to protect children online.
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
On the occasion of the European Day, the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) published a declaration by Minister Dr Katherina Barley, who underlined that sexual violence causes life-long suffering and called for improved protection of children against offline and online abuse as well as concrete help and support for survivors:
www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/aktuelles (in German)
The Smile of the Child
“The Smile of the Child” organised a nationwide campaign with the main slogan “It stays a secret” under the aegis of the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos focusing on the serious issue of Sexual Abuse of children. The aim of this campaign is to provide information and promote the discussion around the phenomenon, exchange views and mobilise the public at large through a number of actions and materials like the publication of a website www.meneimystiko.gr, Open debates and publics events are organised in various cities across Greece, in cooperation with local actors and public authorities
ONE in FIVE campaign
The 3rd edition of the European Day was the occasion to present the new website of the Greek ONE in FIVE Campaign. This new website includes all the messages and tools developed during the Campaign in order to inform and raise awareness of children and parents. In addition, the Greek ONE in FIVE campaign has held the a number of awareness raising activities in November.
Organisation of a concert of the Virtuosos on the occasion of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse on Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 18h30 in the Foyer of the Committee of Ministers. Opening speech by Ms. Gabriella Battaini Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
The Foundation “Have no fear”, “The Political Critique” network and the Kazimierz Łyszczyński Foundation organised an International Conference for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in the Church “Break the silence”, which took place in Warsaw on 17-19 November 2017 at the Lowicka Center. It is a continuation of earlier meetings and discussions, but also a beginning of the first year-round campaign for defense of the victims of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in Poland and in the world. The campaign is to be held under the slogan “Stand on my side!”.
San Marino
Two events on the theme of Internet and social networking use and risks are organised on the occasion of the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse: a day of awareness raising for children and teenagers (25 November) and a public evening for parents and teachers entitled "Alice in the Land of the Internet" (28 November) ( link to document). In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release on 18 November to inform about these two events.
Slovak Republic
On the occasion of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 18 November, National Coordination Centre for Resolving the Issues of Violence against Children (under the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic) attends the theatre play on topic "peer violence"- Punk Rock. A discussion with psychologists of the Centre, theatre directors and actors is organised after the performance to raise this year´s topic of the European day on "the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by ICTs".
In addition, the Centre has launched a competition for children between 13 and 18 on topic of protection of children online.
Združenje proti spolnemu zlorabljanju
The 2017 edition of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (18 November) is the occasion to raise awareness on this issue in Slovenia. In particular, a poster has been prepared and distributed. Direct contact with people in the capital city of Ljubljana to highlight the dangers children face in this context is also foreseen.
Photographic exhibition “My piece for peace” (20 November – 8 December 2017, Council of Europe premises)
The Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the Council of Europe is organising an exhibition of children's photographs for the 2017 edition of the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse ( November 18). The opening ceremony is attended by Mr Goran Klemenčič, Minister of Justice of Slovenia, Ambassador Eva Tomič, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the Council of Europe and Mr Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council from Europe
FAPMI-ECPAT Spain and the University of Comillas organised their third state seminar on the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, in the context of the European Day on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. This year’s seminar was held on 11 December and discussed the online sexual victimization of children and adolescents.
The Swedish Welfare Foundation (Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset) has translated into five languages (English, Dari, Arabic, Tigrinja and Somali) some of the material it had developed (in Swedish) as a part of the Swedish ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children. The purpose was to inform refugees who do not speak Swedish. Some of this material is directed to children, the other to parents. New videos are also available in these languages.
To mark the European Day and raise awareness on the incidence and consequences of child sexual exploitation and abuse in Ukraine, the Council of Europe project “Combating violence against women and children in Ukraine” supports the joint “Tell someone you trust” campaign implemented by six civil society organisations:
- NGO “La Strada” (la-strada.org.ua) targets parliamentarians and journalists through press events on 17 November at Verkhovna Rada and Media Crisis Centre and the general public through internet and media flashmobs to take action to ensure the Government of Ukraine fulfil its commitments under the Lanzarote Convention. See also
- All Ukrainian NGO “Magnolia” (magnolia.org.ua/uk) broadcasts live TV programme “Without Taboo” on "ChP.INFO" (ЧП.INFO) TV channel and hosts interactive video blogs.
- All-Ukrainian Charity "Child Well-being Fund Ukraine" (childfund.org.ua) trains and sensitises up to 414 professionals working with children and parents through webinars and distribution of education materials.
- NGO “Kyiv School of Equal Opportunities” (www.gender-ua.org) organises interactive and participative activities for 800 children aged between 8-16 years from 24 regions of Ukraine at the Artek camp in Kyiv on 17-18 November on the subject of “safe behaviour in the Internet”.
- Public Association “National Children’s Council” raises awareness on the incidence of violence against children in alternative care institutions through activities training children and young people living in these institutions on their rights and targeting their mentors on identifying and reporting suspected cases of violence.
- Pervomaisk Youth Women's Information and Coordination Centre "Olvia” (www.facebook.com/olviaolena) organises a regional campaign targeting local authorities, professionals and the general public in Pervomaisk region through round table events, flashmobs, banners and broadcasting of cartoons.
For more information about the Council of Europe project “Combating violence against women and children in Ukraine and the joint “Tell someone you trust” - campaign, please see www.coe.int/en/web/kyiv/combating-violence-against-women-and-children-in-ukraine .
Other partners
ECPAT - International
To celebrate the 3rd edition of the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, ECPAT International has launched an interactive online map featuring survivor-led organisations and initiatives worldwide. This continuously growing map will draw spotlight on the extensive work and activities carried out by survivors of childhood sexual exploitation and sexual abuse thereby providing the opportunity to share expertise and become an effective force for change.
Ms Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children
The WinCalendar refers to the European Day on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse in its online calendar on 18 November, adding useful information on the issue, facts and quotes.
Council of Europe"
Mr Thorbjørn Jagland, Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l’Europe
"All of us – parents, teachers, communities, governments, – must ensure that technology and new media help children to explore, learn and develop, and not to fall prey to sexual exploitation and abuse."
Ms Stella Kyriakides, President of the Parliamentary Assembly
“The well-being of children is paramount for all of us. They are our future. It is up to us to keep them safe in every way we can.”
Ms Gudrun Mosler-Törnström, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
On the occasion of the European Day, Ms Gudrun Mosler-Törnström, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, published a declaration stating in particular that cities and regions are at the forefront of children’s rights-based policy implementation.
Mr Nils Muižnieks, Commissionner for Human Rights
Lanzarote Committee
Mr Claude Janizzi, Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee
Lanzarote Secretariat of the Lanzarote Committee
Conference in Lieu d’Europe "Protecting children against sexual exploitation and abuse"
Wednesday 15 November, 6.30 pm, room Daniel Riot, Lieu d'Europe
As part of the European Day dedicated to the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse on 18 November and the 10th anniversary of the opening for signature of the Lanzarote Convention on the same subject, an exchange with Gioia Scappucci and Mikaël Poutiers of the Children's Rights Division of the Council of Europe took place to discover what the Organisation is doing in this area.
- Interview of Mr Mikaël Poutiers, Secretary of the Lanzarote Committee https://www.pscp.tv/coe/1ZkKzdlOLYWJv?t=29
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (APES)
Stanislas Frossard, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS)
If sport makes children strong and self-confident, it also represents an area of significant vulnerability for sexual harassment and abuse, given the close relationships developed between participants (peers, coaches, carers, etc.), the inherent physical contacts, and an organisational culture that often ignores, denies or even tolerate such problems.
Lanzarote Committee
- Interpretative Opinion on the applicability of the Lanzarote Convention to sexual offences against children facilitated through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs)
- Declaration adopted on 16 June 2016 on web addresses advertising child sexual abuse material or images or any other offences established in accordance with the Lanzarote Convention
- Opinion on Article 23 of the Lanzarote Convention - Solicitation of children for sexual purposes through information and communication technologies (Grooming)