Conférence informelle des ministres de la Justice

Vers la responsabilisation pour les crimes internationaux commis en Ukraine

5 septembre 2024 Vilnius, Lituanie

VÉRIFICATION AVANT PUBLICATION Conférence informelle des ministres de la Justice « Vers la responsabilisation pour les crimes internationaux commis en Ukraine » 5 septembre 2024 Session II : Tribunal spécial pour le crime d'agression contre l'Ukraine et rôle du Conseil de l'Europe Jörg...

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International Conference on the Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine


Our Director, Jörg Polakiewicz, chaired Panel #2 (Potential models for the Special Tribunal for Ukraine) at the international conference on the Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine held in London. The event brought together notable international lawyers and experts...

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Side event at the international law week New York

The Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine

25 October 2023 New York

  CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY   The Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine Side event at the international law week New York   Jörg Polakiewicz*, Legal Adviser, Council of Europe Ladies and gentlemen,   It is a great privilege and pleasure to be with you....

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21 August 2023 Kyiv

Please find below the link to the NGO Tribunal Conference in which Mr Polakiewicz participated as a speaker. His intervention, on the 1st panel, starts around 1h07 in the video.

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Lighting the Shade: Application of ECHR in Areas of Conflict

1 September 2022 Galway

Mr Polakiewicz attended the Conference Lighting the Shade: Effective Application of ECHR in Areas of Conflict in Europe on 1 September, at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Please click here for the conference programme. Please click on the links below to watch the full conference (Mr...

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62e réunion du Comité des Conseillers juridiques sur le droit international public (CAHDI)

24 mars 2022 Strasbourg

Points de discours M. Jörg POLAKIEWICZ 62e réunion du Comité des Conseillers juridiques sur le droit international public (CAHDI) Strasbourg (hybride), 24 mars 2022 Chère Alina, Chers experts et collègues du CAHDI, Le monde n'est plus tel qu'il était avant le 24 février dernier. Les horreurs...

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L'État de droit – vers une définition commune ?

10 décembre 2021 Colloque de la Fondation René Cassin, Strasbourg

L'État de droit – vers une définition commune ? Colloque de la Fondation René Cassin, Strasbourg, 10 décembre 2021 Jörg Polakiewicz * Introduction Dans ma carrière, presque 30 ans, au Conseil de l’Europe, j’ai été amené à plusieurs reprises à traiter de la notion d’État de droit. En tant que...

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VÖLKERRECHTSLUNCH - Interview with Mr Polakiewicz

Upcoming Event on 5 April 2021

29 March 2021 Völkerrechtsblog

*German only* The interview with Mr Polakiwicz will take place on Monday, 5 April 2021, between 12pm-1pm where he will provide insight into his career and current activities. Afterwards, students and other interested parties will have the opportunity to ask questions. The event notice and the...

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Complementarity and Effectiveness of Council of Europe Soft Law

Roundtable on Regulation in the 21st Century

15 February 2021 Videoconference

Please find below the speaking notes of Mr Polakiewicz on which he based his intervention: CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Introduction The Statute of the Council of Europe (CoE) names recommendations and conventions or agreements as instruments to achieve its objectives: greater unity between its...

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Second plenary meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI)

Overview of the Council of Europe’s typology of legal instruments

7 July 2020 Videoconference

Please click here for Mr Polakiewicz's presentation titled "Overview of the Council of Europe’s typology of legal instruments".

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Videoconference of the Greek Chairmanship of the Council of Europe on Protection of Human Life and Public Health in the context of a pandemic

17 June 2020 Videoconference

Please click here to watch the conference (Mr Polakiewicz's contribution starts after 38 minutes) Speaking notes - It is an honour for me to participate in this exchange of views. - Being the organisation’s legal adviser, I would like to address the issue of states of emergency and derogations....

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Adhésion de l'UE à la CEDH : comment réussir la quadrature du cercle ?

9 mars 2020 Bruxelles

M. Polakiewicz a fait une présentation lors de la réunion FREMP/COHOM aujourd'hui à Bruxelles. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le texte de son discours et cliquez ici pour voir sa présentation. *** Mesdames et Messieurs, C'est un grand plaisir de partager avec vous quelques réflexions sur un sujet...

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Avis juridique sur la Convention de Budapest sur la cybercriminalité

Utilisation d'une « clause de déconnexion » dans le deuxième protocole additionnel à la Convention de Budapest sur la cybercriminalité

29 April 2019 Strasbourg

Le 12 avril, le Secrétaire du Comité de la Convention sur la cybercriminalité (T-CY), M. Alexander Seger, a demandé un avis juridique sur ce qui suit : • Quelles seraient les implications juridiques et politiques et quels seraient les arguments pour ou contre une clause de déconnexion...

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Avis juridique sur la Convention d'Istanbul

Convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur la prévention et la lutte contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et la violence domestique (STCE n° 210) - portée des obligations

11 January 2018

Cet aide-mémoire contient une analyse juridique visant à clarifier les obligations découlant de la ratification de la "Convention du Conseil de l'Europe sur la prévention et la lutte contre la violence à l'égard des femmes et la violence domestique" (STCE 210, 2011 - ci-après "Convention...

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Closing Remarks by Mr Polakiewicz


13-14 December 2017 MINSK

Dobroe utro, Dobroi rannitsy, I am honoured to close this conference, which is part of our common efforts to strengthen Belarus - Council of Europe relations. It is not my ambition to summarise the many informative contributions that have been presented today and yesterday. I would rather like...

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Closing Remarks by Jӧrg Polakiewicz

Conference on “The CAHDI contribution to the development of public international law: achievements and future challenges”

23 September 2015 Strasbourg

Strasbourg, 23 September 2015 Excellencies, Dear Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the CAHDI Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is an important day for the Council of Europe Committee of Legal Advisors on Public International Law (CAHDI) because we are celebrating the 50th meeting of our Committee which was...

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Opening Remarks by Mr Jörg Polakiewicz


15-16 September 2015 Minsk

Dobroe utro, Dobroi rannitsy, I am honoured to open this conference, which is part of our common efforts to strengthen Belarus – Council of Europe relations. I strongly believe that our cooperation can only be beneficial for the Belarusian people. It will allow for the stronger involvement of...

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Contribution by Mr Jörg Polakiewicz


26 June 2015 Maastricht University

***Introduction*** From the outset, I need to stress how painful an exercise it is for me to speak about the future of fundamental rights protection without accession. Not only have I always been convinced about the necessity and added value of accession, but I also spent almost three years of my...

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