Back Council of Europe Anti-racism Commission to prepare report on Iceland

Multicultural Information Centre in Reykjavík

Multicultural Information Centre in Reykjavík

A delegation of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) visited Iceland from 10 to 13 October 2022 as the first step in the preparation of a monitoring report.

The delegation held meetings with representatives of the government, local authorities, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, civil society and trade unions, as well as independent legal specialists, in the capital and during field visits in Reykjavík and Reykjanesbær. During these meetings and field visits, ECRI’s delegation gathered information on effective equality and access to rights; hate speech and hate-motivated violence; as well as integration and inclusion.

Following this visit, ECRI will adopt a report in 2023 in which it will make a new set of recommendations on measures to be taken by the authorities to prevent and combat racism and intolerance in the country. The implementation of two priority recommendations will be reviewed in two years’ time as part of ECRI’s interim follow-up procedure.

In its 2016 report, ECRI highlighted, among other issues, the need to enact comprehensive antidiscrimination legislation. It also recommended that the authorities ensure that their statistics contain all instances of racist, homo- and transphobic criminal offences.


Strasbourg 18 October 2022
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