The payment of the last instalment of Eurimages’ support is subject to the receipt and approval by Eurimages of final certified costs for each of the co-producers.




For projects supported in 2021 and subsequently, audited final production costs and financing plans must be submitted to Eurimages using a standard form. You will find below the relevant form (parts A and B) and the explanatory note:


For films supported prior to that date, Eurimages may request the use of the standard form, on a case-by-case basis. The form may also be used on a voluntary basis.

Please ensure that the person signing the final cost certification is an independent chartered accountant or auditor authorised to practice or has an authorisation considered equivalent by the authorities of the country concerned. For example, in Germany, only certifications issued by "Wirtschaftprüfer" will be accepted (thus excluding those issued by "Steuerberater").