Our heritage is a common good, remote or on site, it should be accessible to the target groups and their needs. Use the broad spectrum of methods and techniques available for developing the heritage experience.

 Recommended courses of action for S2

  • Carry out improvements to enhance site safety and to enable, as far as possible, access by visitors with physical or sensory disabilities
  • Carry out analyses and, in the light of these, improve signage
  • Devise presentation wording and methods from an ethical perspective to respond to the diversity of the target audiences and their interpretations of the heritage
  • Introduce incentives for specific groups (young people, not frequent users, etc.)
  • Run awareness-raising campaigns (press, children’s press, games/competitions, etc.)
  • Produce multilingual presentation and interpretation material
  • Devise interactive, fun, creative presentation methods
  • Introduce visitors to different ways of perceiving the heritage
  • Develop heritage experiences combining different forms of cultural expression (dance, music, traditional or new skills, gastronomy, etc.) and appealing to different sides of human nature (senses, feelings, knowledge)
  • Produce audio visual programmes
  • Encourage remote virtual discovery of heritage using the latest technologies and social networks
  • Collect and showcase citizens’ accounts of heritage
  • Promote an interdisciplinary approach to heritage

 Good practices for S2