Retour Training on Istanbul Convention for the Mediterranean civil society

The North-South Centre is organising a one–day training on the use of the Istanbul Convention by Women organisations in Europe and Southern Mediterranean regions, for the Gender Working Group of EuroMed Rights (GWG) members and nine representatives of Moroccan civil society. The training will take place in Rabat, on April 1st as part of the GWG meeting organised by EuroMed Rights in collaboration with Democratic Association of Moroccan Women (ADFM).

This training will allow participants to coordinate their actions on combatting violence against women, in particular, on the specific topics of rape and domestic violence. Experts and trainers of the NSC will equip the participants with tools as set out in the Istanbul Convention and within the themes of prevention of violence against women, protection of victims and data collection and research. The Istanbul Convention is a proficient tool for civil society actors enabling them to enlarge their influence and their potential of action. Undeniably, civil society plays a key role in the fight against domestic violence and violence towards women.

The EuroMed Rights’ Gender Working Group is a network of representatives of 15 NGOs working on the gender equality and women’s rights in Mediterranean regions. practitioners and decision-makers in Maastricht, guided the NSC work implemented through its GE programme in the areas of awareness-raising and advocacy; capacity-building and pedagogical support; and in the area of policy development. 

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