Retour Final report “Seminar Combatting sexist hate speech”

Final report “Seminar Combatting sexist hate speech”

Description: The Council of Europe seminar, Combating Sexist Hate Speech, brought together a group of around 60 participants, including human rights and women’s rights activists, youth leaders, journalists and policy makers to challenge sexist hate speech, its causes, forms and consequences, and to propose solutions to counter it. The report provides a summary of the causes and forms of sexist hate speech, including the targets and the impact that sexist hate speech can have on individuals and groups. The report also provides suggestions on ways forward to combat sexist hate speech. The report can be read in English or French.

Author(s): Alicia Peraro (with input from the Gender Equality Unit and the Youth Department).

Published: On March 2016.

Weblinks: English version - French version