Retour Educational video “Speak peace, No hate”

Educational video “Speak peace, No hate”

Description: This video clip tackles the issue of hate crime as a consequence of hate speech by highlighting the violation of specific rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It can be used in educational settings with young people, looking at the relationship between hate speech, hate crime and human rights. This video was made by participants of the Power of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue training course, held from 16 to 24 July 2016 in Yerevan (Armenia) in support of 22 July Action Day for Victims of Hate Crime.

Published: On August, 2016.

Country: Armenia.

Author(s): National Campaign Committee of Armenia.


Tags: NHSM conferences and events | Educational materials |

Video – Audio |

Human Rights Education | Intercultural & Interfaith Dialogue | Hate Crime |

Teachers | Youth Workers | Youth & Children |

Armenia |
