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Preventing, combating and responding to sexual and gender based violence and trafficking in human beings

On 30 October 2018, the UNHCR and the Council of Europe in cooperation with the National Courts Administration and the Office of Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania, organised a joint seminar on “Preventing, Combating and Responding to Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Trafficking in Human Beings in the Context of Asylum and Migration” in Vilnius, Lithuania. The objective of the seminar was to discuss international and regional legal standards addressing sexual and gender based violence and trafficking in human beings in the context of asylum and migration. In this respect, an emphasis was placed on eligibility criteria for assessing gender based asylum claims, gender and trauma sensitive asylum procedures, as well as measures aiming at preventing and responding to sexual and gender based violence in asylum-seekers’ reception facilities and arrangements. The above issues were examined in light of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, the European Convention of Human Rights and the EU asylum acquis. The event brought together over 80 participants from the Lithuanian judiciary and Prosecutor’s Office. Representatives of the Danish Refugee Appeals Board, the Helsinki Administrative Court, the Icelandic Immigration and Refugee Appeals Board and the Office of Prosecutor General of Estonia also attended the seminar. The system for protecting trafficking in human beings, and its relationship with refugee protection, was discussed during the seminar. In this regard, particular attention was paid to states’ obligations to identify and protect victims pursuant to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. Dr. Aurelijus Gutauskas, Head of Criminal Law Division of the Supreme Court of Lithuania provided his insights on the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in Lithuania placing an emphasis on lead judgements of the Supreme Court and emphasising the need to ensure protection for victims throughout the pre-trial and judicial procedures. 

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