Back HELP Network conference focuses on Council of Europe response to the war in Ukraine

HELP Network conference focuses on Council of Europe response to the war in Ukraine

From 30 June - 1 July 2022, The Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (JHELP) programme held its Annual Network Conference focusing on Council of Europe’s response to the war in Ukraine. The conference participants discussed why and how to train legal professionals in times of war with representatives of National School of Judges of Ukraine, Prosecutor’s Training Centre of Ukraine and of the Ukrainian National Bar Association’s High School for Advocates. The Council of Europe representatives explained what immediate support the Organisation has given to Ukraine. One example of such support is the virtual Asylum/Migration HELP e-Desks launched by the HELP Programme days after the start of the war, on 1 March 2022. It aims to help lawyers from the most affected countries dealing with refugees from Ukraine (Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Moldova) access necessary information, as well as to train legal professionals to effectively handle cases at national level. There are currently more than 105,000 users of the Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform, the top five countries in terms of the number of users being Türkiye, France, Italy, Spain, and Ukraine.

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