Back SRSG on Migration and Refugees publishes report on his mission to Turkey

SRSG on Migration and Refugees publishes report on his mission to Turkey

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees, Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek, published today a report on his mission to Turkey. The aim of the mission was to provide a picture of the situation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and developments since the last visit carried out by the former SRSG in 2016. The report focuses on aspects having a significant impact on respect for human rights of migrants and refugees: access to asylum and the treatment of vulnerable persons, reception conditions, administrative detention, long-term prospects and border issues.

“The visit was scheduled already for 2020, on the invitation of the Turkish authorities, but was delayed a couple of times due to the restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The mission took place between two lockdowns in Turkey, and I appreciate the excellent co-operation with the authorities who facilitated my visit under these difficult circumstances. Due to its geographical location, migration and asylum is a priority area for Turkey, and the aim of this report is to suggest ways that the Council of Europe can help its member state dealing with migration-related challenges”, said Ambassador Štefánek.

Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world. For over 10 years, it has made commendable efforts in accepting close to 4 million refugees, mostly Syrian. Through the efficient involvement of local, non-governmental and international actors, including the tangible impact of EU funds, it has put in place a system to meet their basic needs, ranging from registration and reception conditions to access to social welfare, healthcare and to education. Also, conditions in removal centres have improved, and alternative measures to immigration detention have slowly started to be implemented.

The Special Representative is recommending supporting the authorities to further align the implementation of its legislation with Council of Europe standards. The Council of Europe should encourage and support the Turkish authorities to improve access given to non-Syrian asylum seekers to the asylum procedure, to protection and to basic needs (such as healthcare). It should also support the improvement of access to effective legal assistance and appeal remedies for foreign nationals, especially in deportation proceedings. Concerning vulnerable groups, and in line with the Council of Europe Action Plan on Protecting Vulnerable Persons in the Context of Migration and Asylum in Europe (2021-2025), Turkey would benefit from establishing a vulnerability screening mechanism, and increasing the availability of safe reception facilities and guardians for the protection of unaccompanied and separated children.

The visit was also the occasion to launch the Turkish version of the Handbook on promoting child-friendly procedures in the area of migration, produced by the Office of the Special Representative. This publication contributes to the implementation of the objectives defined in the Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe (2017-2019).

During his mission, from 15-26 March 2021, the Special Representative visited Ankara, İzmir and Çanakkale on the north western coast, Gaziantep at the Syrian border and Edirne at the land border with Greece, as well as Istanbul. He visited migration facilities and assessed the conditions of reception, services provided, removal and health centres, as well as centres for children, women and families. He had meetings with representatives of national and local authorities and representatives from relevant international organisations and NGOs.

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees Strasbourg 8 December 2021
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