The QualiRom initative

The Quality Education in Romani for Europe (QualiRom) project was carried out between 2010-2013 under the European Commission’s Key Actions 2 programme. It was co-funded by the European Union, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture, the Federal Chancellery of Austria Volksgruppenförderung, and the Finnish National Board of Education. Activities were hosted by the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML).

Extensive use was made of the Curriculum Framework for Romani (CFR) as well as of the European Language Portfolio versions and the Teacher’s Handbook. The two authors of these instruments developed par the Language Policy Programme were closely involved in the implementation of the project.

The purpose of the project was twofold: to develop learning materials based on the CFR and suitable for use with the ELPs, and to provide training for participating teachers of Romani.

Materials were developed, piloted and published online in six varieties of Romani: Arlije, East Slovak, Finnish, Gurbet, Lovara, Kalderaš. 


Support from the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML): QualiRom Training and Consultancy

In 2015, the European Centre for Modern Languages launched QualiRom Training and Consultancy with the purpose of promoting quality education in Romani within a human rights perspective by providing training on the use of the QualiRom materials and consultancy on curriculum development using the CFR.