Back President of Conference of INGOs addresses the 133rd ministerial session: “After the Reykjavik summit promises, the true test comes in the climbing of the mountain”

President of Conference of INGOs addresses the 133rd ministerial session: “After the Reykjavik summit promises, the true test comes in the climbing of the mountain”

On 17 May, as the organisation celebrates its 75th anniversary, the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Council of Europe’s 46 member states came together at their annual session to reaffirm their support for Ukraine on the road to justice and reconstruction. Following on from the Reykjavik Summit, they also set the organisation’s future policy directions and adopted a new treaty on artificial intelligence. The Presidency of the Committee of Ministers made a declaration to mark the 75th anniversary. More information on the 133rd ministerial session and the documents approved at the session.

In his address, Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs listed a number of challenges to address : after the promises made at the Reykjavik summit, “the true test comes in the climbing of the mountain. Which is a long and strenuous process.” 

 Text of the intervention of the President of the Conference of INGOs, Mr Ermischer

Strasbourg, France 17 May 2024
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