Back ECRI Chair meets PACE President

ECRI Chair meets PACE President

The Chair of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), Jean-Paul Lehners, held a meeting with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Liliane Maury Pasquier, to discuss follow-up to the Conference held in Paris on 26 and 27 September on the occasion of ECRI’s 25th anniversary.

In its Resolution 2275 (2019), adopted in April 2019, the Parliamentary Assembly considered that ECRI’s 25th anniversary provided a good opportunity to update the Charter of European Political Parties for a Non-Racist Society, including measures for breaches of the Charter, and to relaunch it. In its Roadmap for Effective Equality, ECRI referred to a possible revision of the Charter on the basis of its General Policy Recommendation No. 15 on Combating Hate Speech.

Echoing the opening speech made by the Assembly’s Vice-President Nicole Trisse during the Anniversary Conference, PACE President and ECRI Chair also talked about enhancing the role of the Parliamentary Assembly and national parliaments in improving follow-up to ECRI’s recommendations.

Link to the Conference webpage

Strasbourg, France 2 October 2019
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