ECRI 2022 annual seminar with Equality Bodies


Prohibition of discrimination: can a focus on intersectionality contribute to effective equality?


Monday, 26 September 2022


Strasbourg – Council of Europe, Agora Building (G.03) *




8.45-9.30       Registration and Welcome coffee (and connectivity check)


9.30-10.00     Opening remarks


Introduction and moderation: Maria Marouda, Chair of ECRI

  • Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality
  • Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Director of Anti-Discrimination and Human Dignity (DG II), Council of Europe
  • Petra Bayr, PACE General Rapporteur on combating racism and intolerance


10.00-10.30  Testimonies


  • Nassr Eddine Errami, Muslim Chaplain
  • Elena Gorolová, Roma social worker, Ostrava – Czech Republic


10.30-11.00 Keynote speech and Q/A


11.00-11.30 Coffee break and networking


11.30-12.45 Session I: Challenges


This session will discuss the challenges in revealing the nature of discrimination that flows from the intersection of multiple social identities and to what extent existing legal and policy frameworks address such intertwined form of discrimination.


Moderator: Domenica Ghidei Biidu, ECRI Bureau member

12.45-14.00  Lunch break


14.00-15.15  Session II: Approaches


This session will examine the application and limitations of intersectionality across the work and practice of international bodies and how this concept is used to identify and unravel different layers of inequality.


Moderator: Barbara John, Chair of ECRI’s Working Group on relations with Equality Bodies and Civil Society

  • Pansy Tlakula, Member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
  • Patrycja Pogodzinska, Project Officer, Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit, Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), European Union
  • Wester Meijdam, Policy Officer, Office of the EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life


15.15-15.45  Coffee break and networking


15.45-17.15 Session III: Expert insights and ways forward 


The objective of this last session is to identify potential avenues for using the intersectionality lens in antidiscrimination law and what specific role equality bodies can play in further developing such a tool. 


Moderator: Tamás Kádár, EQUINET, Co-Director


17.15-17.30 Concluding remarks


  • Tena Šimonović Einwalter, ECRI Vice-Chair and Chair of EQUINET Executive Board


*Arrangements are also made for online participation through videoconferencing.