Please note that this calendar will be regularly updated / Last update: 30 June 2023

  • 5-8 December
    ECRI's 93rd plenary meeting
    strasbourg (france)
  • 27 October
    Seminar with Equality bodies
    strasbourg (france)
  • Second semester
    Contact visits for the preparation of ECRI's 6th cycle country monitoring reports on Andorra (October), Italy (October), Republic of Moldova (November), the United Kingdom (November) and Lithuania (November)
  • 27-30 June
    ECRI's 92nd plenary meeting
    strasbourg (france)
  • 23 June
    Publication of ECRI's conclusions on the implementation of priority recommendations in respect of Norway*
    strasbourg (france)
  • 20-21-22 June
    Publication of ECRI's report on Armenia, Azerbaidjan and Georgia*
    strasbourg (france)
  • First semester
    Contact visits for the preparation of ECRI's 6th cycle country monitoring reports on Liechtenstein (8-10 March), Serbia (3-7 April), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malta (22-26 May) and San Marino (13-15 June)
  • 1 June
    Publication of ECRI's annual report 2022
    strasbourg (france)
  • 25 April
    MONACO-city (monaco)
  • 28-30 March
    ECRI's 91st plenary meeting
    strasbourg (france)
  • 10 March
    Publication of ECRI's conclusions on the implementation of priority recommendations in respect of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic*
    strasbourg (france)
  • 9 March
    Publication of ECRI's report on Hungary*
    strasbourg (france)
  • 7 March
    Publication of ECRI's report on Cyprus*
    strasbourg (france)

* ECRI's reports and conclusions are published following their transmission to the national authorities, unless the latter expressly oppose such publication.