Collection Agents
The collection account management agreement must be signed before the payment of the first instalment of the support granted by Eurimages is made.
Producers may retain the services of any recognised independent collection agent, subject to the agreement of Eurimages.
A list of these agreed collection agents with which Eurimages has already collaborated can be found thereafter.
Before contacting a collection agent, producers are invited to provide a revenue recoupment plan for their film, if necessary, by using or adapting the examples of tables proposed by Eurimages hereafter, and submit this to the Eurimages project manager concerned.
Ciné Capital
9, rue Jean Mermoz
75008 Paris, FR
Ms. Diane Cesbron
+33 1 53 65 73 50
diane.cesbron @
European Collecting Agency
Amaliegade 14A, 2.sal
1256 København K, DK
Mr. Peter Bille Krogh
+45 33 11 13 63
bille @
Film & Media Collecting Agency
6, rue de l'Amiral Hamelin
75116 Paris, FR
Ms. Chloé Jacob
+33 1 58 19 32 00
[email protected]
Fintage House
Fintage House
Zuid Hollandlaan, 7
2596AL The Hague, NL
Ms. Willemijn Mc Nally - de Best
+31 71 565 9999
[email protected]
Freeway Entertainment
Piarista köz 2
1052 Budapest, HU
Mr. Martijn Meerstadt
+36 1 473 4311
+36 1 473 4301
martijn.meerstadt @
OnTrust Collection Agency
Fuggerstrasse 22
D-10777 Berlin, DE
Mr. Volker Otte
+49 30 23 62 67 84
otte @
3rd Floor 86-90 Paul Street London EC2A 4NE UK
Ms. Maria Tanjala
+ 44 7530030203
team @
Conseil de l'Europe
Bâtiment Agora
Allée des Droits de l'Homme
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex