project presentations
GLACY/ CyberCrime@EAP: International workshop on mainstreaming judicial training on cybercrime and electronic evidence, Bucharest, Romania, 2-3 June 2014
- Mainstreaming Judicial Training on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence: Nigel Jones, Esther George, Alexander Seger
- Experience in South-Eastern Europe, Judge Kornelija Ivanušić, Croatia
- Concept paper on cybercrime training for judges and prosecutors, Cristina Schulman, Ministry of justice, Romania
- Law, Information security, Computer forensics and electronic evidence, Adel Jomni,University of Montpellier
GLACY Conference Getting Started, Dakar, Senegal, 24-27 March 2014
Cybercrime policies and strategies
- Politique et stratégie de lutte contre la cybercriminalité au Sénégal - Papa Assane Touré
- RSA National Cybersecurity Policy Framework, Irene Moetsana, South Africa
- Paula P. Ma’u, Kingdom of Tonga
- The Budapest Convention and the approach of the Council of Europe (Cristina Schulman, Romania)
Cybercrime versus cybersecurity strategies
- Cybercrime vs cybersecurity strategies, Estonia
- Cybercrime in Costa Rica: Actions taken to fight this crime, Marisel Rodriguez-Solis
- Cybersecurity vs Cybercrime strategies, Siaosi Sovaleni, Tonga
The role of capacity building
- Fighting Cybercrime: The Role of Capacity Building - The Policy of Japan Akino Kowashi
- Capacity building on cybercrime: advantages, Alexander Seger, Council of Europe
Round table: Elements of cybercrime strategies
- The PNP ACG Specialized Anti-Cybercrime Tainings, Philippines
- Building Partnerships to Combat Cybercrime, Betsy Broder, USA
Review of criminal justice capacities and support to priority countries
Training Worpshop on international cooperation
- International cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence, AlexanderSeger, Council of Europe
- Chapter III of The Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, Pedro Verdelho, Portugal
- Competencies and Functioning in Practice of the 24/7 Points of Contact Richard Downing, USA
- Centre for combating cyber Crimes, Eugeniu Moraru, Moldova
- High-tech Crime Department, Ivan Mijatovic, Croatia
- Demandes internationales de conservation rapide des données, Papa Gueye, Senegal
- Demandes internationales de conservation rapide des données, Eirik Tronnes, Norway
- Mutual assistance in accessing stored computer data (Article 31 Budapest Convention): competent authorities, channels of communication, practical experience, case studies, Branko Stamenkovic, Serbia
- Mutual assistance in accessing stored computer data, Paul Louw, South Africa
- Role of 24/7 contact point, Bilal Sen, Turkey
- Role of 24/7 points of contact regarding MLA requests for computer data/e-evidence, Cooperation with competent authorities, Ioana Albani, Romania
- Cybercrime Division MIA of Ukraine, Leonid Tymchenko, Ukraine
- Concept paper Training manual on international cooperation, Cristina Schulman, Romania
Workshop on cybercrime reporting systems and criminal justice statistics
- Cybercrime reporting mechanisms – Good practice study, Jean-Christophe Le Toquin
- Criminal justice statistics & Cybercrime reporting
- eCrime Reporting Challenges,Patrick Cain, APWG
- Good Practices on the Development of Information, Liliana Mesias Garcia, Colombia
- The Consumer Sentinel Network: A Law Enforcement Tool, Betsy Broder
- Good Practices on Criminal Justice Statics, Costa Rica
- Internet Crime Complaint Center, USA
- National Crime Agency, Damon Hayes, UK
- Pharos, Office Central de Lutte contre la Criminalité liée aux Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, France
- Signal Spam, National Information Sharing Centre
- Computer Emergency Response Team of Mauritius
contact us
T-CY Secretariat
Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary
Programme Manager
Programme Assistant