Conferences, Seminars and Workshops organised or co-organised by the CAHDI:
- International courts and tribunals – the challenges ahead (London, 6-7 October 2008);
- The Judge and International custom (Paris, 21 September 2012);
- Immunity ratione materiae of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction (Strasbourg, 21 March 2014);
- The legal aspects of the role of the host State of international organisations (The Hague, 19 September 2014);
- The CAHDI contribution to the development of public international law: achievements and future challenges (Strasbourg, 23 September 2015).
- State Immunity under International Law and Current Challenges (Strasbourg, 20 September 2017).
- The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the Development of Public International Law (Prague, 23 September 2020).
- Non-Legally Binding Agreements in International Law (Strasbourg, 26 March 2021).
- Seminar on States’ obligations under public international law in relation to immunity of State officials (Bucharest, 21 September 2022).
- Seminar on the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine: what role for regional organisations such as the Council of Europe? (Strasbourg, 10 April 2024).
- Second practitioners’ workshop on Non-Legally Binding Instruments in International Law (Vienna, 18 September 2024).
Next meeting
- 68th meeting
Strasbourg, France, 17-18 March 2025
Previous meeting
- 67th meeting
Vienna, Austria, 19-20 September 2024