Meeting documents

Back 56th meeting - Helsinki, 20-21 September 2018

1. Opening of the meeting by the Chair
2. Adoption of the agenda
● Draft agenda CAHDI (2018) OJ 2 prov ®
● Draft annotated agenda CAHDI (2018) OJ 2 annotated prov ®
3. Adoption of the report of the 55th meeting
Adoption of the report of the 54th meeting
● Draft meeting report 55th meeting CAHDI (2018) 16 prov ®
● Draft meeting report 54th meeting CAHDI (2017) 23 prov ®
4. Information provided by the Secretariat of the Council of Europe
5. Committee of Ministers' decisions and activities of relevance to the CAHDI's activities, including requests for CAHDI's opinions
a. Opinions of the CAHDI on Recommendations 2125, 2126 and 2130 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
● Draft Opinion of the CAHDI on Recommendation 2125 (2018) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – “State of emergency: proportionality issues concerning derogations under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights” CAHDI (2018) 22 prov ®
● Draft opinion of the CAHDI on Recommendation 2126 (2018) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – “Humanitarian needs and rights of internally displaced persons in Europe” CAHDI (2018) 23 prov ®
● Draft Opinion of the CAHDI on Recommendation 2130 (2018) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – “Legal challenges related to hybrid war and human rights obligations” CAHDI (2018) 24 prov ®
● Comments by delegations on the draft Opinions of the CAHDI on PACE Recommendations 2125, 2126 and 2130 (2018) CAHDI (2018) 25 prov ®
b. Other Committee of Ministers’ decisions and activities of relevance to the CAHDI’s activities
● Committee of Ministers’ decisions of relevance to the CAHDI’s activities CAHDI (2018) 18 ®
● Appendices to Committee of Ministers’ decisions of relevance to the CAHDI’s activities CAHDI (2018) 18 Addendum ®
● Presentation by Ms Päivi KAUKORANTA, Chair of the CAHDI at the 1319th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies on 13 June 2018 CAHDI (2018) Inf 3
6. Immunities of States and international organisations
a. Topical issues related to immunities of States and international organisations
- Settlement of disputes of a private character to which an international organisation is a party
- Immunity of State Owned Cultural Property on Loan
- Immunities of special missions
- Service of process on a foreign State
● Settlement of disputes of a private character to which an international organisation is a party CAHDI (2014) 5 ®
● Comments by States on “Settlement of disputes of a private character to which an international organisation is a party CAHDI (2018) 4 prov ®
● Summary of the main trends of the replies to the questionnaire on “Settlement of disputes of a private law character to which an international organisation is a party” and further examination of this issue prepared by the delegation of the Netherlands CAHDI (2017) 21 ®
● Immunity of State Owned Cultural Property on Loan CAHDI (2013) 10 ®
● Replies by States to the questionnaire on “Immunity of State owned cultural property on loan” CAHDI (2018) 5 prov ®
● "Immunities of special missions" prepared by the delegation of the United Kingdom CAHDI (2013) 15 ®
● Replies by States to the questionnaire on “Immunities of special missions” CAHDI (2018) 6 prov
● Analysis of the replies to the questionnaire on service of process on a foreign State CAHDI (2014) 15 ®
● Replies by States to the questionnaire on “Service of process on a foreign State” CAHDI (2018) 7 prov ®
b. UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property
c. State practice, case-law and updates of the website entries
● Exchange of national practices on possibilities for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to raise public international law issues in procedures pending before national tribunals and related to States’ or international organisations’ immunities CAHDI (2018) 8 prov ®
7. Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
● Replies by States to the revised questionnaire on “The organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” CAHDI (2018) 9 prov
8. National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights
● Cases that have been submitted to national tribunals by persons or entities included in or removed from the lists established by the UN Security Council Sanctions Committees CAHDI (2018) 10 prov ®
9. Cases before the European Court of Human Rights involving issues of public international law
- Case law of the European Court of Human Rights related to Public International Law PIL (2018) Case Law
10. Peaceful settlement of disputes
● Means of Peaceful Settlement of Disputes CAHDI (2018) 20 prov ®
11. Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
● List of reservations and declarations to international treaties subject to objection CAHDI (2018) 19 prov ®
● Table of objections CAHDI (2018) 19 Addendum prov ®
● Reactions to reservations and declarations to international treaties previously examined by the CAHDI CAHDI (2018) Inf 2
● Recommendation No. R (99) 13 on responses to inadmissible reservations to international treaties Recommendation No. R (99) 13
12. The work of the Unites Nations Office of Legal Affairs (OLA)
- Presentation of the work of the Unites Nations Office of Legal Affairs by Mr Stephen Mathias, Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs of the United Nations (Thursday, 20 September 2.30 pm)
13. The work of the International Law Commission (ILC)
- Presentation of the work of the International Law Commission (ILC) by Mr Pavel Šturma, First Vice Chairperson of the ILC (Friday, 21 September 9.30 am)
● Presentation by Ms Päivi Kaukoranta, Chair of the CAHDI, at the 70th Session of the ILC CAHDI (2018) Inf 4
● Presentation by Ms Marta Requena, Secretary to the CAHDI, at the 70th Session of the ILC CAHDI (2018) Inf 5
● Report of the ILC, 70th Session A/73/10
14. Consideration of current issues of international humanitarian law
15. Developments concerning the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other international criminal tribunals
● Developments concerning the International Criminal Court and other international criminal tribunals CAHDI (2018) 13 prov
16. Topical issues of international law
17. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the CAHDI
● Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the CAHDI CAHDI (2018) 21
18. Place, date and agenda of the 57th meeting of the CAHDI: Strasbourg (France), 21-22 March 2019
19. Any other business
20. Adoption of the Abridged Report and closing of the 56th meeting