Malta presents strategic vision and goals for the fight against trafficking in human beings at the final conference of the EU-CoE Joint Project

On 15 January 2025, the Council of Europe, the European Commission (DG REFORM) and the Directorate for Human Rights of the Prime Minister's Office of Malta co-hosted the Final Conference of the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) joint project  "Supporting Malta in the design and implementation of a new National Anti-Trafficking Strategy” (2022-2024).  Held in Saint Julians, the conference featured a presentation of Malta's new National Anti-Trafficking Strategy and Action Plan (2024-2030), which were developed as part of the project, alongside key implementation tools developed under it.

 Press release

 Photos gallery




The Anti-Trafficking Strategy Toolkit is designed to assist all stakeholders involved in combatting trafficking in human beings in Malta by providing a comprehensive set of practical resources to strengthen their efforts. The Toolkit includes the National Strategy and Action Plan on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings in Malta (2024-2030) and a series of digital resource cards that cover key implementation tools.

 Malta Anti-Trafficking Strategy Toolkit


Children's participation in the design of child-friendly anti-trafficking tools

A side event on "Children's participation in the design of child-friendly anti-trafficking tools" was organised on 16 January 2025, highlighting the importance of integrating children's perspectives into initiatives to safeguard their rights and well-being.

 Photos gallery



The project Supporting Malta in the design and implementation of a new national Anti-Trafficking Strategy” was co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by the Council of Europe and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform support (DG REFORM), in close collaboration with the Human Rights Directorate of Malta.


Imene Khalifa
Programme Manager

Justin Antonides
Project Assistant 

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