The Council of Europe provides tailor-made support to countries, aimed at strengthening the implementation of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, based on the country-specific recommendations of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA).

What do we offer

A range of activities are carried out with the support of national and international experts.

 Strategic or legal advice  


 Expert missions  `

 Peer-to-peer exchanges   

 Specialised advice   


 Multidisciplinary seminars 

The co-operation projects use a combination of legal and policy support, capacity building and awareness-raising and research. The projects seek to establish multisectoral partnerships and interdisciplinary working groups to ensure dialogue between different institutions.

How it works
  • The Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Division manages the projects, together with staff of relevant Council of Europe local offices 
  • Support is primarily provided through the joint regional cooperation programmes of the EU and the Council of Europe (Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye, South programme) and extra-budgetary resources
Who are the target groups
  • Law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers;
  • Labour inspectors;
  • Child protection, education and health professionals;
  • Border, migration and asylum authorities;
  • Civil society organisations;
  • The private sector, including media.
Ongoing projects
Completed projects

The Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention is the first international legal instrument to take a human rights-based approach to the fight against human trafficking.

 More about the Convention


An important added value of the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention is the monitoring mechanism set up to supervise its implementation by State Parties

 Monitoring procedure

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