Back 45th meeting - Strasbourg, 25-26 March 2013

2 Adoption of the agenda
- Agenda CAHDI (2013) OJ 1
- Annotated agenda CAHDI (2013) OJ 2 annoté prov ®
3 Adoption of the report of the 44th meeting
- Report of the 44th meeting of the CAHDI CAHDI (2012) 20
5 Committee of Minister's decisions of relevance to the CAHDI's activities, including requests for CAHDI's opinion
- Committee of Ministers' decisions of relevance to the CAHDI's activities CAHDI (2013) 1 ®
- Appendices to Committee of Ministers' decisions of relevance to the CAHDI's activities CAHDI (2013) 1 Addendum ®
6 Immunities of States and international organisations
- Service of process CAHDI (2013) 4 ®
- Service of process - Contribution of Cyprus CAHDI (2013) Inf 6 ®
- Database on State Practice regarding State Immunities CAHDI (2013) Inf 2 (Bilingue)
- Database on State Practice regarding State Immunities CAHDI (2012) 18 (Bilingue) ®
7 Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Database on the organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAHDI (2013) Inf 3 (Bilingue)
8 National implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights
- Cases, that have been eventually submitted to national tribunals, by persons or entities removed from the lists established by the UN Security Council Sanctions Committees CAHDI (2012) 3 (Bilingue) ®
Database on national implementation measures of UN sanctions and respect for human rights CAHDI (2013) Inf 4 (Bilingue)
- Press release concerning the Advocate General's Opinion in the "Kadi" case (Court of Justice of the European Union) CAHDI (2013) Inf 5
9 European Union's accession to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR)
- Report of the 76th meeting of the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) CDDH(2012)R76
- Report of the second negotiation meeting between the CDDH and the European Commission on the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights 47+1(2012)R02
- Report of the third negotiation meeting between the CDDH and the European Commission on the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights 47+1(2012)R03
- Report of the fourth negotiation meeting between the CDDH and the European Commission on the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights 47+1(2013)R04
11 Peaceful settlement of disputes
- International Court of Justice's jurisdiction under selected international treaties and agreements, situation concerning the member States of the Council of Europe, which are parties to these agreements and treaties CAHDI (2013) 3 ®
12 Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
- List of outstanding reservations and declarations to international treaties CAHDI (2013) 2 ®
- Table of objections CAHDI (2013) 2 Addendum prov ®
18 Exchange of views on the request for observer status within the CAHDI submitted by Belarus
Request for observer status within the CAHDI submitted by Belarus CAHDI (2013) Inf 1 ®

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