
25 October 2009

With the occasion of the Civil Justice Day, the Romanian Ministry of Justice and Citizens' Liberties transmitted a message which was published on the Ministry website at, congratulating the courts and prosecution offices that organized activities in this important day so that the citizens could come into contact with representatives of the Judiciary and better understand how it operates.

The Supreme Council of Magistracy organised an Open Day on 23 October 2009 at its premises, and invited pupils, students and auditors of justice from the National College “Ion Creangă”, the National College “Gheorghe Şincai”, the Law School within the University of Bucharest, the Law School of the “Titu Maiorescu” University, the National Institute of the Judiciary and the National School for Clerks. Brochures about the operation of the Judiciary was distributed.

The Prosecution Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice hosted events to which were invited students from the Law Schools of the Romanian-American University, the University of Bucharest, the “Titu Maiorescu” University, students from the National School for Clerks, auditors of justice, pupils from the Computer Science College “Tudor Vianu” in Bucharest, the board of the National Institute of the Magistracy, representatives of the civil society, of the Association for Consumer Protection and the Promotions of Programmes and Strategies in Romania, journalists from the written press and the audiovisual sector. They were provided with relevant data on the activity of the Prosecution Office and details on representative examples of cases in which public prosecutors conducted complex investigations to identify the perpetrators of particularly violent criminal offences.

The High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Court of Appeal in Braşov, the Court of Appeal in Bucharest, the Court of Appeal in Piteşti, the District Court of Timiş and the First Instance Court of Oradea also held an Open Day.

The Court of Appeal in Piteşti invited 42 pupils from the “Carmen Sylva” School of Fine Arts, and a group of students from the “George Bariţiu” University in Braşov – Ploieşti Branch, who were interested in getting to know the Romanian judicial system. A round table was held, on the topic “IF I WERE A JUDGE” and diplomas of participation and handbook were handed.

As for the online dialogue, on 23 October 2009 from 10:00 to 14:00 hours, public prosecutors from the Prosecution Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and judges from the District Court of Vrancea were in the forum at



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