CEPEJ Networks

The CEPEJ runs three major networks:

The CEPEJ maintains large-scale networks of justice professionals in order to facilitate exchange, collect data, share good practices, and to develop, try and test new tools and methodologies to help member states provide efficient and high quality judicial systems for their citizens. In addition to its 46 members, who participate in its bi-annual Plenary meetings, the CEPEJ runs three major networks:
Network of National correspondents
The CEPEJ biennial exercise of evaluation of the judicial systems is based on the collection of data from States/entities, ensured by a national correspondent appointed by the State.
The national correspondent is the sole interlocutor of the CEPEJ Secretariat within the framework of the evaluation exercises carried out by the CEPEJ Evaluation Working Group (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) (composition and terms of reference of the GT-EVAL). This network meets once a year in Strasbourg.
Network of pilot courts
This Network gathers Pilot-courts from Council of Europe's Member States to support the CEPEJ activities through a better understanding of the day-to-day functioning of courts – and to highlight good practices to support policy makers in order to improve the efficiency and quality of judicial systems.This network meets once a year in Strasbourg or in one of the Pilot courts' cities.
European Cyberjustice Network (ECN)
The European Cyberjustice Network (ECN) provides expertise on trends and challenges in cyberjustice and artificial intelligence in the judicial environment. The network allows the exchange of good practices and helps to define future initiatives by the Council of Europe to support its member States in the digital transformation of their judiciary in line with Human Rights standards. The network supports the activities of the CEPEJ and its working groups (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST et al.). It organizes several events (conferences, seminars as regards Cyberjustice and AI in Europe and beyond) and one general meeting per year.
Collaborative workspaces: