Adis Hodzic is Data Scientist / Monitoring and Evaluation Expert specialized in building systems that turn data into actionable knowledge through use of data science and information and communication technologies. Adis Hodzic is / was engaged in building performance management systems and assessing capacities of judicial administrations of Norway, Netherlands, Greece, Ukraine, Croatia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia.

As a member of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) Working Group on evaluation of judicial systems, recommended system for monitoring of judicial case flow and average duration of proceedings. This resulted in adoption of the performance reporting practice for judiciary that is being applied by all 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Participated in peer review visits to Austria, France, Portugal, Malta, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Produced study on the functioning of judicial systems in the EU member states which was used as material for publishing the EU Justice Scoreboard for 2014.



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