
On 22 March 2017, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)2 on the legal regulation of lobbying activities in the context of public decision-making prepared by CDCJ, for promoting and increasing transparency of lobbying activities in this context.

CDCJ promotes and supports the implementation of this recommendation in member states.

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Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

The civil society, as represented by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), makes an essential contribution to the realisation and development of democratic societies, in particular through the promotion of public awareness and the participatory involvement of citizens in the res publica. Their contribution to the achievement of the aims and principles of the Statute of the Council of Europe is equally important.

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Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives for Incapacity

A review was carried out in member states on principles concerning continuing powers of attorney and advance directives for incapacity. The report on this review was examined by CDCJ in November 2017 and published on CDCJ website in 2018 (under “reports and studies”).

A leaflet to inform the public on this topic as well as a pamphlet addressed to national authorities on how to improve implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)11 should be prepared in 2019.

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Debt problems

At their 26th Conference (Helsinki, 7-8 April 2005), the Ministers of Justice of the Council of Europe adopted a Resolution on Seeking Legal Solutions to Debt Problems in a Credit Society, in which they expressed their concern about the problems arising in today’s credit society due to, inter alia, the easy access to credit that can, in some cases, result in the over-indebtedness of households, creating social exclusion of individuals and families.

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Medical liability

In 2004 the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) commissioned an expert to draft a Report on Medical Liability in Europe, which has subsequently been examined by both CDCJ, the European Health Committee (CDSP) and the Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI).

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Protection of Animals

Scientific developments and intensification of  practices were source of important changes in the use of animals, in agriculture and food production, as well as in research and experimentation. The Conventions on the protection of animals elaborated at the Council of Europe were the first international legal instruments laying down ethical principles for the transport, the farming, the slaughtering of animals as well as for their use for experimental purposes and as pet.

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