The Scoreboard to assess the progress in combating illegal killing, taking and trade of wild birds (IKB) is a self- assessment framework jointly developed in 2017 by the Secretariats of the Bern Convention and the Convention on Migratory Species. The Scoreboard aims to offer national governments a tool to provide an objective, fact-based self-assessment of the current status of illegal killing, taking and trade of birds at national level, and to enable countries to measure their progress in implementing their commitments related to this area. The Scoreboard also supports reporting in relation to the implementation of the Tunis Action Plan 2013-2020, the Programme of Work 2016-2020 and the Rome Strategic Plan.

The Scoreboard is based on a format developed by the International Consortium in Combating Wildlife Crime   (ICCWC). The changes and adaptation were deemed necessary to focus on the specific requirements for the assessment and measurement of IKB.

The Scoreboard is organised in five areas, using a total of 28 different indicators, each looking at a specific aspect of the fight against IKB:

  1. National monitoring of IKB (data management of scope and scale of IKB);
  2. Comprehensiveness of national legislation;
  3. Enforcement response (preparedness of law enforcement bodies and coordination of national institutions);
  4. Prosecution and sentencing (effectiveness of judicial procedures);
  5. Prevention (other instruments used to address IKB).

The complete set of questions and possible answers can be found in the original Scoreboard. Additionally for Indicators 2 and 4, respondents could submit a set of data on a separate form. For those countries that did submit data, these are included with their submissions in the table below.

So far, 35 national governments have used the Scoreboard to report their progress against IKB. The first Scoreboard assessment was conducted in 2018 and saw the participation of 30 national governments. A second assessment was completed in 2020-2021 by 24 countries. Furthermore, NGOs submitted Scoreboards for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Syria and Ukraine in 2018. However, those submissions are not published here as they do not represent official country submissions.

Going ahead, new assessments are planned from 2023 on a three-year basis, i.e. in 2026 and 2029 and will support the monitoring of the implementation of the Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030.

A summary analysis of the answers received for the Scoreboard in 2018 was presented at the 39th Standing Committee of the Bern Convention in December 2019, of the answers received in 2020/2021 at the Joint Meeting of the Bern Convention Special Focal Points and MIKT members in June 2021, and of the 3rd scoreboard at the 43rd Standing Committee in December 2023.


The table below features the information concerning the original data and answers to the Scoreboard submitted per country. Those countries which to date have explicitly agreed to have their data shared on a public website have their reports linked below.

Country / Pays


Country / Pays


Albania/Albanie 1st & 2nd Scoreboard Lebanon/Liban 1st Scoreboard
Algeria / Algérie 3rd Scoreboard Liechtenstein 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Andorra/Andorre 1st Scoreboard Malta/Malte 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Belarus/Bélarus 2nd Scoreboard Monaco 1st Scoreboard
1st & 3rd Scoreboard Montenegro/Monténégro 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Bosnia-Herzegovina /
3rd Scoreboard    
Bulgaria/Bulgarie 1st Scoreboard Morocco/Maroc 2nd Scoreboard
Croatia/Croatie 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard Netherlands/Pays-Bas 1st Scoreboard
Cyprus/Chypre 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard Norway/Norvège 1st Scoreboard
Czech Republic/
République Tchèque
1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard Serbia/Serbie 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Denmark/Danemark 1st Scoreboard Slovakia/Slovaquie 1st Scoreboard
Egypt/Egypte 2nd Scoreboard Slovenia/Slovénie 1st & 2nd Scoreboard
Finland/Finlande 1st & 2nd Scoreboard Spain/Espagne 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
France 1st & 2nd Scoreboard Sweden/Suède 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Georgia/Géorgie 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard Switzerland/Suisse 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Greece/Grèce 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard Syrian Arab Republic/
République arabe syrienne
2nd & 3rd scoreboard
Hungary/Hongrie 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard Tunisia/Tunisie 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Iceland/Islande 1st Scoreboard & 3rd scoreboard Turkey/Turquie 1st & 3rd Scoreboard
Israel/Israël 3rd Scoreboard United Kingdom/
1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard
Italy/Italie 1st & 2nd & 3rd Scoreboard