Logá spoločných programov Európskej únie – Rady Európy
The visibility of joint programmes and actions shall consist of a co-branding. The European emblem (displayed on the left), the CoE logo (displayed on the right) and the textual mentions as defined below. The equal prominence of the European emblem and CoE logo shall be ensured whenever the visibility of Actions is displayed.
Programmes signed before October 2020 used an earlier version of the joint logo and may do until their completion. This includes in particular Horizontal Facility II, Partnership for Good Governance II. Earlier versions of the joint logo can be found a this link : https://www.coe.int/en/web/project-management-methodology/joint-logos-before-october-2020-ffpa
The mandatory information elements for individual joint programmes are:
- Case 1 -Co-Funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe
- Case 2 - Funded by the EU and implemented by the Council of Europe
- For general reports
- Logo for the Council of Europe original publications translated with the financial support of joint programme under Case 1
- Logo for the Council of Europe original publications translated with the financial support of joint programme under Case 2
Case 1: Funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe
PNG download (web format)
Kyrgyz | Kazakh | Macedonian
Serbian in cyrillic |Serbian in latin
Slovenian | Swedish |Tajik | Turkmen
Turkish |Ukrainian |Uzbeck in cyrillic
EPS download (print format)
Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian
Georgian |Greek|Kyrgyz | Kazakh
Romanian|Russian | Serbian in Cyrillic
PNG download (web format)
Arabic|Albanian |Armenia|Azerbaijani|Bosnian
Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian
English |Finnish| French |Georgian|Greek| kyrgyz | Kazakh
Macedonian | Montenegrin |Romanian | Russian
Serbian in cyrillic |Serbian in latin| Slovenian | Swedish | Tajik | Turkmen
Turkish | Ukrainian |Uzbeck in cyrillic
EPS download (print format)
Arabic | Albanian | Armenian| Azerbaijani |Albanian
| Bosnian | Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian
English |Finnish| French | Georgian|
Macedonian | Montenegrin | Romanian |Russian |
Serbian | Serbian in cyrillic | Slovenian | Tajik
Turkmen | Turkish | Ukrainian | Uzbeck in cyrillic
PNG download (web format)
Arabic |Albanian |Armenia | Azerbaijani|Bosnian
Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian
English | French | Georgian | Greek| Kyrgyz | Kazakh
Macedonian | Montenegrin | Russian | Romanian
Serbian in cyrillic | Serbian in Latin | Slovenian | Swedish | Tajik | Turkmen
| Turkish | Ukrainian|Uzbeck in cyrillic
EPS download (print format)
Arabic | Albanian | Armenian | Azerbaijani
| Bosnian | Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian
English | French | Georgian |Greek |kyrgyz | Kazakh
Macedonian | Montenegrin | Russian
Serbian in cyrillic | Serbian in latin | Slovenian | Swedish |Tajik
| Turkmen | Turkish | Ukrainian |Uzbeck in cyrillic
Case 2: Funded by the European Union and Implemented by the Council of Europe
Applicable to projects where Council of Europe funding accounts for less than 10 % of the total budget.
PNG download (web format)
EPS download (print format)
For general reports
Logo for the Council of Europe original publications translated with the financial support of joint programme under Case 1
Albanian |Armenian | Azerbaijani| Bosnian
Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian | English
French | Georgian | Kazakh| Kyrgyz
Macedonian | Montenegrin | Norwegian
Romanian |Russian| Serbian in Cyrillic
Serbian in latin| Slovenian | Tajik | Turkish
EPS download (print format)
Bosnian in cyrillic | Croatian
kyrgyz | Montenegrin | Russian
Logo for the Council of Europe original publications translated with the financial support of joint programme under Case 2
Did you know?
The Committee of Ministers is the Council of Europe's decision-making body. It is made up of the Foreign Ministers of all member states or their permanent representatives in Strasbourg.