Council of Europe

International organisation, based in Strasbourg, which was created in 1949 and now includes 46 European countries. Set up to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Home to the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights – among many other things! 

  European Council

Institution of the 27-member European Union, composed of representatives of the 27 EU member states. Defines the general political direction and priorities of the EU.

 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Deliberative body composed of 306 parliamentarians (and the same number of substitutes) appointed by the national parliaments of the 46 member states. 

 European Parliament

The parliamentary body of the European Union. Comprises 705 directly-elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from the 27 EU countries. 

 European Court of Human Rights

Oversees the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights. Based in Strasbourg, the Court has the final say on the interpretation of the convention and Its judgments are binding on the state(s) concerned. 

 Court of Justice of the European Union

Ensures compliance with EU law. Based in Luxembourg. 

 European Convention on Human Rights

Council of Europe treaty securing civil and political rights. 

 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 

European Union legal text on human rights and fundamental freedoms, adopted in 2000. Largely based on the European Convention on Human Rights. 

And there’s also:

 United Nations Human Rights Council 

Inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 states promoting and protecting all human rights around the globe. 

 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

Adopted by the United Nations in 1948 in order to strengthen the protection of human rights at international level. 

 International Court of Justice 

Judicial body of the United Nations, based in The Hague. 

Did you know?
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is a political assembly whose members represent over 150 000 local and regional authorities throughout Europe.


Rada Európy prijala mnohé právne nástroje známe ako zmluvy (dohovory, charty, dohody). Koľko zmlúv doteraz prijala Rada Európy?

  1. 100
  2. 200
  3. 300

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