Retour Council of Europe HELP e-Desks: Up to 1000 lawyers in Europe providing legal information to people fleeing the war in Ukraine

Council of Europe HELP e-Desks: Up to 1000 lawyers in Europe providing legal information to people fleeing the war in Ukraine

The Council of Europe HELP Programme set up Asylum/Migration HELP e-Desks for lawyers or other legal professionals assisting people fleeing the war in Ukraine, including the practical application of the EU Temporary Protection Directive. 

There are HELP e-Desks operational and adapted to the national context in Ukraine as well as in Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain. They are already connecting a network of 1000 lawyers and other legal and asylum professionals in Europe.

All HELP e-desks are accessible on the Council of Europe HELP e-platform.

Adequate legal information and support is crucial for those persons in need. This advice should be given by informed, qualified and experienced legal practitioners, the more considering the dearth of jurisprudence on the issue of temporary protection.

These e-Desks were initiated by the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme of the Council of Europe and is largely funded by the EU. It is being coordinated with the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), particularly its Migration Committee.


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