Retour Conférence du Conseil de l'Europe et de la Commission électorale centrale moldave pour discuter de la conduite des élections locales de juin 2015 [EN]

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Conférence du Conseil de l'Europe et de la Commission électorale centrale moldave pour discuter de la conduite des élections locales de juin 2015 [EN]

The Council of Europe and the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova are jointly organising a conference on “The role of voters’ lists in ensuring fair and transparent electoral process” in Chisinau on 5 and 6 October.

Being the second post-election conference from the cycle of elections 2014 – 2015, it will be an opportunity to evaluate Council of Europe’s and other donors’ assistance to Moldova in consolidating democratic processes in order to adjust it as necessary.

The conference will contribute to the drafting of a cooperation plan with the Moldovan authorities and civil society organisations aimed at addressing the recommendations of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission. Participants to the conference include elected candidates to mayor and councilor positions, members of Parliament, the government and the judiciary, as well as representatives of the Central Electoral Commission, the election administration, the media and civil society.

Topics on the agenda include:

  • The role of voters’ lists in ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process;
  • Equal opportunities: transparency of the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns;
  • Validation of election results of locally elected candidates.

Contact information

Council of Europe Office in Moldova
63 Vlaicu Pârcălab
(+ 373 22) 88 89 15
(+ 373 22) 20 23 05

Articles in the press

Chisinau, République de Moldova 5-6 octobre 2015
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