Retour Seminar - Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Young People

Seminar - Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Young People

By its present and future impact on social life and organisation or by its reliance on young people to programme and fine-tune AI technologies, AI is very closely related to young people. Yet, there is relatively little research and information about how AI will impact on young people as young citizens in transition to autonomy regarding their well-being, possibilities to participate and shape society and their access to rights, including social rights.

The seminar’s programme will explore the issues, role and possible contributions of the youth sector to ensure that AI is responsibly used in democratic societies and that young people have a say about matters that concern their present and future.
The seminar will bring together some 50 youth leaders and experts in AI from the business and academic sectors.

More info, including the programme, at



strasbourg 04-06/12/2019
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Vers une application de l'IA fondée sur
les droits de l'homme, l'Etat de droit
et la démocratie