Logo AlbaniaOverall objective

The Action aims at implementing recommendations stemming from the previous project (SEJ) to improve further the efficiency and the quality of the public service of justice delivered to the Albanian citizens by the court system in accordance with European standards and in the context of the on-going reform process of the judiciary.

Specific objective

The first specific objective is to enhance the efficiency of the justice system on judicial statistics and improve time management with:

  • Additional support to enhance the capacity of beneficiaries to improve the collection and analysis of reliable statistical data for policy making in accordance with CEPEJ methodology and tools, in particular the SATURN Guidelines;
  • The implementation of priority recommendations made in SEJ Court Coaching Programmes with practical and targeted projects, particularly on judicial time management, within selected courts;
  • Support to the School of Magistrates for the development of new curricula for judicial and administrative staff;
  • Targeted contributions, when requested, to the justice reform in Albania by assisting the interlocutors throughout its implementation.

The second specific objective is to further enhance the quality of service by courts, with:

  • Court Coaching Programmes in view of building the capacity of courts to deliver a better justice service in accordance with CEPEJ quality tools such as the quality checklist and users’satisfaction surveys.
  • Support to the School of Magistrates for the development of new curricula to include topics on the quality of justice;

Main beneficiaries and partners

Ministry of Justice, High Council of Justice, Judicial Inspectorate, Courts, School of Magistrates, Office for the Administration of the Judicial Budget, Office of the Prosecutor General


Translated CEPEJ Documents

Project news

Back Supporting court leadership to enhance managerial capacities

Supporting court leadership to enhance managerial capacities

The European Union and Council of Europe joint action “Strengthening the Efficiency and Quality of Justice in Albania” is supporting the School of Magistrates to improve managerial capacities of the court leadership in Albania. The first regional activity with the court leadership took place in Durres on April 7 and 8th with the participation of twenty-seven court presidents, deputies and chancellors, court administrators, representatives of High Judicial Council, School of Magistrates professors and CEPEJ experts.

The Chairwoman of the High Judicial Council Naureda Llagami and the Head of Council of Europe Office in Tirana Jutta Gutzkow emphasized the important role of the court leadership to improve the administration of justice and meet the public expectations for an accessible, efficient and accountable judiciary.

The workshop provided a good opportunity for the court leadership to jointly focus on the CEPEJ indicators and tools to help the Court Leadership in measuring and improving court performance. Participants exchanged ideas about new practices that contribute to a better management of the court system.

This activity is organized in the framework of the joint EU/CoE Action “Strengthening the Efficiency and Quality of Justice in Albania”, which is part of the joint programme entitled "Horizontal Facility of the Western Balkans and Turkey II", co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe”.

Durres, Albania 8 April 2022
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