In Serbia, history teaching begins as part of a multidisciplinary course at primary level, becoming a standalone course requiring a final assessment at lower secondary level. At this level, students may take an additional elective course. At upper secondary level, students follow different strands with distinct subject concentrations; these offer both compulsory standalone history courses and elective multidisciplinary courses of various lengths. Vocational education students are required to take a standalone history course at some point at upper secondary level depending on their individual programme.

The history curricula follow a chronological, thematic and competence-based organisation. They are developed by the state with the participation of minority groups, and teachers have a degree of flexibility in the selection of content and teaching methods. History teaching can take place in Serbian or any of eight minority languages. Private schools and schools for national minorities follow the public curricula; the latter include additional content on the cultures and histories of the respective minorities.

Assessment methods include essays, oral presentations/exams, knowledge-based questions, source-based questions, multiple-choice questions, PowerPoint presentations, written reports and research projects. The Ministry of Education issues a catalogue of approved textbooks each school year. And the selection of textbooks to use is made at the school level. Teachers must complete an initial teacher-training programme lasting two academic years, and in-service professional development courses are compulsory.

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The information in the sections above is an excerpt of the thematic and general data presented in the following OHTE publications:

 2022: Pandemics and natural disasters as reflected in history teaching​

 2023: OHTE General Report on the State of History Teaching in Europe