Data are currently being collected for the OHTE general report.

This section will host information on the space and time provided to ‘History’ as a subject matter within the three main levels of education (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary). It will also provide insights on the relationship between history and other school subjects.



Data are currently being collected for the OHTE general report.

The state regulates the pedagogical approaches used in the teaching of history. Recommended methodologies include lectures, active pedagogies, enquiry approaches, research projects and interdisciplinary work.

In the teaching of history, students are trained in historical research; the use of resources; cause–effect analysis; and historical interpretation, presentation and communication about the past.

Learning outcomes in the history curriculum relate to the development of historical competences in the use of resources, historical interpretation, and the reliability and accuracy of the source. As the use of information and communications technology (ICT) is one of the seven key competencies for lifelong learning, and is a mandatory part of the entire national curriculum, this is also reflected in the history curriculum. History teachers and students use ICT to search for additional information and source material about the past in relation to dates, persons, objects, events and historical processes, as well as to select, classify, organise and present findings. These approaches are used by teachers and students also for teaching and learning about topics related to pandemics and natural disasters.

While the state is involved in the creation, selection and authorisation of textbooks, additional source materials are not determined by the state and the teacher is free to select source materials to meet the requirements of the curriculum. Teachers have complete flexibility and freedom in dealing with topics related to natural disasters, pandemics and/or other topics that complement the curriculum. In the history and geography curriculum, teachers can address these topics during sessions dedicated to hands-on activities or projects.

The national curricula also provide for extracurricular activities (e.g. museum visits or other field trips) in the context of history learning and in cross-curricular topics, some of which include topics relating to pandemics and natural disasters. The history curriculum recommends that the teacher provide opportunities for students to evaluate on their visits, where possible, the role of museums, galleries and historical archives in preserving and presenting the past.*

 Curricula workstation by GEI (History curricula search by country)

 Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education (Responsible for drafting the curricula for all stages of education)

*OHTE Thematic Report on "Pandemics and natural disasters as reflected in history teaching"


Data are currently being collected for the OHTE general report.

This section will contain information on the learning outcomes set for history lessons within the different levels of education and on the methods of testing and assessment used in history examinations.

 National Education Service Center (Responsible for drafting and assessment of national exams at lower secondary and upper secondary levels)



Data are currently being collected for the OHTE general report.

This section will host data on the study material and teaching practices used for history teaching within the different levels of education.

 International TextbookCat (GEI collection of Textbooks and Educational Media)



Data are currently being collected for the OHTE general report.

This section will provide an overview of the number of history teachers within the different levels of education, as well as relevant information on teachers’ initial training and in-service training available to them.

 Albanian Association of History Teachers “Youth and History” (presentation by EuroClio)



The Observatory on History Teaching in Europe also provides thematic studies on given topics. 

 2022: Pandemics and natural disasters as reflected in history teaching​

 2024: Economic crises in history teaching