In Albania, history is taught as a standalone subject in primary and secondary education starting from the fourth grade (pupils aged 9). It remains a compulsory subject until the third year of upper secondary education and becomes optional in the final year of public schooling. History is also a compulsory subject in two of the four years of vocational education.
The history curriculum is national, chronological, thematic, and competence-based. The Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth is responsible for developing and overseeing the history curricula, with support from other state educational agencies. Privately administered schools generally follow the state curricula, though Albanian language and History are mandatory subjects in these schools. Civil society organisations and minority groups are involved in the curriculum development process, and the histories of minority groups, such as Roma history, are included in the curriculum.

Assessment methods are diverse, including essays, oral exams, and project work. The final exam in history, which is optional, is taken only at the end of the optional final-year history course. Teachers select textbooks from government-approved options and have the freedom to use additional materials. To teach history, teachers must hold a master's degree and pass a national certification test, and they are required to undergo regular professional development.


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The information in the sections above is an excerpt of the thematic and general data presented in the following OHTE publications:

 2022: Pandemics and natural disasters as reflected in history teaching​

 2023: OHTE General Report on the State of History Teaching in Europe