In France, history is taught in combination with other subjects. Courses combining history, geography and civic/moral education are compulsory throughout primary and lower secondary education. At upper secondary level, a combined course in history and geography remains compulsory for students of general or technological education, with other elective courses offered in art history and geopolitics/political science. Students in vocational education are required to take a course combining history, geography, French, and (for some) moral and civic education.

The history curricula follow a thematic, chronological and competence-based organisation. The curriculum is centrally controlled by the state, with civil society organisations participating in its design. Schools in the overseas territories and some private schools are able to implement curricular adaptations.

Assessment methods include essays, oral presentations/exams, knowledge-based questions and source-based questions. A final assessment is compulsory for all students at the lower secondary level and for some courses at the upper secondary level. The government does not license educational materials and the selection of resources takes place at school level.

Teachers must be recruited via entrance exams in the form of competitive selections at the national level. Successful candidates must complete additional training in their subject area, with the length of the training phase depending on their prior university-level education Teachers can also be recruited via contractual arrangements offered by academies (regional inspectors) for those with a bachelor-level university degree (licence). In-service professional development courses are mostly optional, with the Ministry of Education offering a training programme at the national level.

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The information in the sections above is an excerpt of the thematic and general data presented in the following OHTE publications:

 2022: Pandemics and natural disasters as reflected in history teaching​

 2023: OHTE General Report on the State of History Teaching in Europe