History education for a democratic Europe

Thursday 2 December 2021, 9.15-10.45, Palais de l'Europe, room 8

This high-level panel discussion aims at enhancing the Observatory’s visibility at the highest political level. The session will focus on the mission and relevance of the Observatory and the relevance of history teaching in the present political context.

Ms Annette GERLACH, Journalist and TV host, Arte

Ms Mila CAROVSKA, Minister of Education and Science of North Macedonia

Mr Alejandro TIANA, Secretary of State of Education, Spain

Ms Anamarija VIČEK, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Member of the Governing Board of the Observatory

Mr Alain LAMASSOURE, Chair of the Governing Board of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe

Ms Vibeke JENSEN, Director of the Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, UNESCO

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