Final Evaluation Conference
The No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign was initiated by the Council of Europe in 2012 and prolonged in May 2015 until the end of 2017 by the Committee of Ministers, as part of the Council of Europe Action Plan on the fight against violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism.
The Evaluation Conference will be a moment for campaigners to look back and forth, to celebrate achievements and to learn for future action. As the European campaign comes to a close and many national campaigns continue, it is important to reflect together about how to keep the movement alive, youthful and relevant.
The conference will take place from 10 to 12 April 2018 in European Youth Centre Strasbourg and bring together over 120 actors from the various campaign stakeholders including:
- National campaign committees and support groups,
- European campaign partners,
- Online youth activists,
- Youth organisations,
- Educational professionals,
- Local and regional authorities,
- The No Hate Parliamentary Alliance.
Consult the updated programme, the infopack and the conclusions of the conference