Back Educational posters on hate speech and human rights - Mexico

Educational posters on hate speech and human rights - Mexico

Description: In this series of educational posters, the Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (National Council to Prevent Discrimination), which implemented the NHSM campaign in Mexico, aimed at tackling a number of issues through an educational approach. The posters speak about the following issues: the differences between freedom of expression and hate speech; sexist hate speech; how racism operates and discriminates against people; the differences between migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; the vulnerability of refugee women in Mexico and around the world, and so on. The posters can be used in educational settings, especially when working with children and young people who are new to the above-mentioned topics. The posters are available in Spanish.

Author(s): Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación.

Published: On 2017.

Country: Mexico.
