Back “Bundestrollamt für gegen digitalen Hass” - Season 1 and 2

“Bundestrollamt für gegen digitalen Hass” - Season 1 and 2

Description: In the series of short videos entitled The Federal Agency against Digital Hate, the National Campaign Committee of the No Hate Speech Movement in Germany focuses on different forms of hate speech, portraying and empowering people or groups usually targeted by hate speech. The videos, which at the time of their launch went viral online, are comic and humorous in style, although still showing effectively that hate speech online is a huge problem that should not be accept. Season 1 contains seven videos and provides a general overview of hate speech and its impact on different individuals and groups. Season 2 with five videos focuses on target audiences such as politicians and media officials. The videos are excellent multimedia tools for promoting the discussion of hate speech in educational settings.

Published: On 2016-2017.

Country: Germany

Weblink: Season 1 and Season 2