
The work of the Committee is prepared by the Bureau. 
The Bureau consists of a Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons and two other members, elected by the Committee from among the delegations enjoying voting rights in the Committee. The mandate of the members of the Bureau is two years, renewable once.

The current Bureau is composed as follows:



Mr Nicola MUCCIOLI (Director of San Marino Financial Intelligence Unit)

Mr Muccioli has more than 20 years of experience in the field of anti-money laundering (AML) and combatting the financing of terrorism (CFT).

He has held various positions within the San Marino government and FIU, and he represented the FIU in many international fora for combatting economic crime, including MONEYVAL and the Egmont Group. In 2003, he became Head of the AML Office of the central Bank of San Marino. In 2008, Mr Muccioli contributed to the drafting of the new AML/CFT Law and to the establishment of the new FIU, of which he became the Director in 2019.

Since 2009 he was the head of delegation of San Marino to MONEYVAL, a member of the Bureau and since 2015 he was one of the two Co-chairs of the Working Group on Evaluations. Besides, he is a regular member of the San Marino delegation to the Joint Committee with the EU in the context of the Monetary Agreement, and the contact person for matters dealing with the IMF and other international bodies.


Bureau Members

Ms Astghik Karamanukyan

Vice-Chairwoman (Armenia)

Mr Matis Mäeker

Vice-Chairman (Estonia) 

Ms Jennifer Palpacuer

Member (Principality of Monaco) 

Mr Daniel-Marius Staicu

Member (Republic of Moldova)


Working groups

According to its Statute, MONEYVAL may set up working groups and sub-groups whenever deemed necessary for the undertaking of its activities. For the purposes of the 5th round of evaluations, the work of the Committee shall be supported by the following working groups:

Ad Hoc Group of Experts

The primary function of Ad Hoc Groups of Experts is to ensure mutual evaluation reports are of an acceptable level of quality and consistency. An Ad Hoc Group of Experts will be established for each mutual evaluation to assist the assessors, the plenary, the Chairman and the Secretariat in the mutual evaluation process and act as a reviewer. The Ad Hoc Group of Experts shall be composed of qualified volunteer experts, including experts from MONEYVAL, FATF, IFIs, other FSRBs (including their secretariat members), based on nomination proposals. Each Ad Hoc Group shall include at least one external reviewer.   

Advisory Group on Policy and Evaluations 

The Advisory Group on Policy and Evaluations is established to provide to the Chair and Bureau of MONEYVAL specific advice on aspects related to AML/CFT policies and evaluations, with a view to further enhancing the quality of MONEYVAL’s contributions to the work of the global AML/CFT network and the efficiency of MONEYVAL’s evaluation processes and outputs. The Group shall be composed of up to 10 experts from MONEYVAL states and territories and observers. The work of the Group is coordinated by a Chair, who shall be appointed for a renewable mandate of two years.   

Working Group on Evaluations 

The Working Group on Evaluations shall assist MONEYVAL by preparing the plenary discussion and proposing solutions to the Plenary on technical and some other significant issues with regard to mutual evaluation reports.  In particular, before each report is due to be discussed in Plenary, the Working Group shall prepare jointly with the Secretariat a list of substantive issues to be discussed in its respect. Participation in the Working Group on Evaluations is open to one representative from each MONEYVAL country/territory and one representative from each observer to MONEYVAL. Meetings of the WGE will also involve participation of members of the evaluation team, the assessed jurisdiction’s delegation, reviewers, chairman of MONEYVAL and MONEYVAL scientific experts. The group shall be co-chaired by a MONEYVAL scientific expert and an expert from a MONEYVAL Member State or territory.

Scientific experts

  • Dr Lajos Korona, Public Prosecutor, Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, Budapest, Hungary – Legal scientific expert
  • Mr Andrew Strijker, former Head of the Dutch delegation to FATF – Financial scientific expert with special responsibility for the EU Directives         
  • Mr John Ringguth LLB, Barrister-at-law (Gray's Inn), former Head of Prosecution Policy, Crown Prosecution Service, England and Wales - Legal scientific expert
  • Ms Lia Umans, former member of the FATF Secretariat and former Head of Analysis with the Belgian Financial Intelligence Unit – Law enforcement scientific expert
  • Mr Ian Matthews, former supervisor in the UK, and former Co-chair of the FATF Evaluations and Compliance Group - Financial scientific expert