
MONEYVAL’s constitutive document is its Statute, which sets forth its structure and mandate. MONEYVAL’s Statute was first adopted in 2010 by the Resolution CM/Res(2010)12 on the Statute of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL), which has been since amended in 2013 by the Resolution CM/Res(2013)13, in 2017 by the Resolution CM/Res(2017)19, in 2020 by the Resolution CM/Res(2020)5, and in 2022 by the Resolution CM/Res(2022)31.

In application of the Statute, MONEYVAL draws its Rules of procedures, which are regularly reviewed and kept up-to-date to ensure that they address its operational needs.

Rules of Procedure

MONEYVAL’s Rules of Procedure regulate in detail the functioning and structure of MONEYVAL, as established in the Statute. In addition, the Rules of Procedure set out the procedures under which MONEYVAL assesses compliance with the global anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism standards. In particular, they define the evaluation cycles and the practical undertaking of evaluations and adoption of reports. Several sets of rules of procedure are in force.


Rules of procedure for the 5th round of mutual evaluations 

Starting in 2015, MONEYVAL is conducting a fifth round of mutual evaluations for States and territories which are subject to its evaluation procedures, in order to assess their compliance with the relevant international AML/CFT standards. These evaluations are undertaken based on FATF 2012 Recommendations (last updated in October 2018), and the 2013 Methodology for Assessing Compliance with the FATF Recommendations and the Effectiveness of AML/CFT Systems (last updated in February 2019). The Rules of procedure for the 5th round of mutual evaluations (last revised at the MONEYVAL 66th Plenary meeting (in December 2023) set out the procedures on the basis of which the fifth round of mutual evaluations is undertaken. They will continue to apply to states and territories being evaluated and those engaged in follow-up processes under the 5th round. 


Rules of procedure for the 6th round of mutual evaluations (2025 -  )

Starting in 2025, MONEYVAL is conducting its 6th round of mutual for States and territories which are subject to its evaluation procedures, in order to assess their compliance with the relevant international AML/CFT standards. The Rules of procedure for the 6th round of mutual evaluations  were adopted at the MONEYVAL 66th Plenary meeting (Strasbourg, December 2023) . 


Rules of procedure regarding Voluntary tax compliance programmes and AML/CFT

In addition, MONEYVAL conducts assessments of compliance of voluntary tax compliance programmes established in its Member States and territories with the AML/CFT framework. For this purpose, the Committee adopted special rules of procedure: Procedures related to the implementation of voluntary tax compliance programmes and AML/CFT requirements by countries and territories evaluated by MONEYVAL. For further information on the assessment of VTC schemes, please, refer to the section Voluntary tax compliance.