Back Outcomes of MONEYVAL 65th Plenary meeting

Outcomes of MONEYVAL 65th Plenary meeting

The Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) held its 65th Plenary meeting from 24 to 26 May 2023. 
The plenary which concluded today brought around 200 AML/CFT experts from approximately 50 jurisdictions and international organisations in Strasbourg (France). 
The Chair of the MONEYVAL Committee, Ms Elżbieta Frankow-Jaśkiewicz, opened the meeting by underlining the importance of MONEYVAL to ensure financial integrity and transparency in the region, and recalling the outcomes of the High-level ministerial meeting held in Warsaw, Poland (25 April 2023), which led to the adoption of the high- level Declaration and MONEYVAL’s strategic priorities for 2023-2027. MONEYVAL also held an exchange of views with Mr George Mavrotas, Chair of the Follow-up Committee on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (Macolin Convention) on possible future cooperation between the Committees. In addition, the plenary discussed and adopted the typologies report on “Money laundering risks in the world of virtual assets and their service providers. 

The Plenary discussed and approved the mutual evaluation reports of North Macedonia and Romania, and the enhanced follow-up reports of Albania and Slovenia. Slovenia was requested to report back to MONEYVAL in December 2023. Moreover, the plenary discussed planning and sequencing for the 6th Round of mutual evaluations, including its future Rules of procedure. All adopted reports will be published in the coming weeks, in accordance with MONEYVAL’s publication policy.

Strasbourg 26 May 2023
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