Back Outcome of MONEYVAL's 58th Plenary meeting

Outcome of MONEYVAL's 58th Plenary meeting

The Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) held its 58th Plenary meeting in Strasbourg from 15 to 19 July 2019.

MONEYVAL completed the country assessments of the Republic of Moldova and Malta. It adopted follow-up reports of the following countries and jurisdictions: Croatia, Estonia, Montenegro, Romania, Ukraine and the United Kingdom Crown Dependency of the Isle of Man. The Committee also adopted a report on the voluntary tax compliance scheme of Lithuania.

The Committee held a special session on the confiscation of proceeds of crime and asset recovery, with presentations from the perspectives of judges, prosecutors and international policy-makers. It also heard various presentations and held discussions on the understanding of the autonomy of financial intelligence units and their operational independence, terrorist financing risk assessment guidance, as well as collaborative responses to terrorist financing.

MONEYVAL also elected Ms Elzbieta Frankow-Jaskiewicz (Poland) as new Chair and Mr Richard Walker (Guernsey) as new vice-Chair for the remainder of the term (i.e. until 31 December 2019) of the outgoing Chair, Mr Daniel Thelesklaf (Liechtenstein) and vice-Chair Ms Elzbieta Frankow-Jaskiewicz (Poland) respectively. Mr Ladislav Majernik (Slovak Republic) was also elected member of the MONEYVAL Bureau for the same term.

Reports adopted will be made available shortly under each jurisdiction’s profile, in accordance with MONEYVAL’s publication policy.

Strasbourg 19/07/2019
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